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About ercgrat

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  1. What a beautiful piece. My only thought was that the climax from 24-32 might be more impactful if it were more "austere". The extra rumbling from the arpeggiation was a little more rich and romantic in character than the rest of the piece, at least in my mind. I was quite enjoying the open space the beginning created. I wonder if you could substitute the arpeggiation with something else, maybe rolling the chords on the downbeats. Or perhaps shifting some of the stresses to offbeats - I think the piece might benefit from slightly more variety in that regard throughout. Perhaps someone more skilled can give more concrete suggestions!
  2. I would ask you if you're trying to do something that builds in organized layers, or if you want to really break down and go wild? It might be easier to just loop the first 10 seconds of the music box melody and work with that, it is an engaging sound. Otherwise it might be hard to add layers on top of it.
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