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  1. Thanks for your feedback! Yes, when it comes to semi-improv that means I already have the main themes in my mind, but all the accompaniment, modulations, rhythms, etc are improvised.
  2. Thanks. I have no idea for the titles of my pieces sadly..
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  3. These are just ideas and sketches (with poor arrangement, sound quality etc), I will make them more available as soon as I have arranged and completed them well. Thanks a lot for your feedback!
  4. I had a few melodies and motifs already in my head before playing, but the majority of the piece, all the accompaniment and combining these ideas with those invented on the fly was improvised. I'd love to hear from you again! Yes, they are mine. They just don't have titles because I do poorly with that. Of course, all the tracks are distinct. Thanks for the broad feedback!
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mar4kgUpsg
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