I need some opinion. I want to write 4 piano pieces for my final exam with around 1:30 per piece in a Brazilian style (like bossa nova and choro). So there are a lot of syncopated rhythms and extended chords. I have started listening to some Villa Lobos as well, but I have had a lot of difficulties when it comes to compose. My idea was to take the main motif from the repertoire I'm going to play and use it to compose my own work. But I'm having trouble developing this motif in a way that pleases me, and also creating a contrasting section.
I know there is one technique where you develop your motif in many ways (retrograde, inversion, interpolation, augmentation, etc.), But would it be possible to compose a piece with only these techniques?
Is there no "relaxation" moment where these techniques are not used?
Also, do you think 4-part writing study is useful for my goal?
I know it's useful in general, but is there be something that would be more important for me to practice at the moment?
I really want to do something special and good enough, but I'm still a beginner and need some advice.