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Claudio Camacho

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About Claudio Camacho

  • Birthday 06/21/2004

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  • Interests
    Music, chess and philosophy.
  • Favorite Composers
    Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Scriabin, Rachmaninoff
  • My Compositional Styles
    Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Postromantic
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Musescore 3, Musescore 4 and Sibelius 7.5
  • Instruments Played
    Violin and piano

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  1. I appreciate it, Luis! That was thanks to the fact that the subject is short and helps me to play with harmony in a more chromatic way.
  2. I uploaded a new video. As always, thank you for your kindness and taking your time, Henry.
  3. Oh, you're right, I forgot to upload the sheet music! Thank you, Henry.
  4. Hi guys. Long time no see. I started composing this fugue in May of last year and I thought I could finish the project quickly, but it was dragging on a little so I decided to stop. Until December, when I recalled this and felt ready to pick up where I left off. I was looking forward to finishing this so much that i haven't been very cautious with mistakes, so I would love for you to let me know if you see any. Although I love counterpoint, this is my first fugue so I still need to develop skills. Thank you.
  5. Hey @Omicronrg9, Sorry for the late reply! I haven't checked this forum in a long time. Thank you very much for your words, I appreciate the comment. Unfortunately, this season I'm more focused on my instrument and I can't dedicate much time to composition, but as soon as I can, I'll be back to my old ways. Take care! Claudio
  6. I completely agree with Henry, truly Beethovenian.
  7. Nazariy, Thank you kindly for publishing your work on YoungComposers! With the score we can study the composition process. Here there is a great understanding of counterpoint and it shows the great orchestral experience you have. My most sincere congratulations for such meticulous work, it's very well composed and the result shows it. I look forward to your next posts! Claudio
  8. Hey @Luis Hernández, First, thank you so much for your words. That's an interesting point that I hadn't considered, because I composed this in a very intuitive way. Moreover, the tonality can also depend a bit on the previous piece so it's a hard and risky decision. But is good to know. Claudio
  9. Hello @Carl Koh Wei Hao I appreciate very much your words and I am glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for your feedback, Claudio
  10. Hello @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu, As you said, this work could be a prelude. As always, I really appreciate your comment and criticism! The reason for the B flat is the harmony, is a note from the chord A7b9 whose ninth is B flat. By the way, Camille's pieces are very interesting, thanks for sharing his music! Claudio
  11. Well, I finally finished this piece. This is the second and last work of the 2 poems. I hope you enjoy!
  12. Hey @panta rei!!, Thanks for this piece. I completely agree with all the other comments about the beauty of the movement. There is an incredibly meticulous effort in the writing whose practical result is beautiful. You can see a harmony typical of romanticism, as you clarify in the title, and great influence from authors like Schumann. I congratulate you on the end result! Bravo. Claudio
  13. Hello @Samuel_vangogh, First of all thank you for leaving a comment, I appreciate both positive qualifiers and constructive criticism! Indeed, I agree with you that it is a bit confusing. Although I have to admit that this was my first intention, I am attracted to ambiguous writing (for example, the first two notes of the triplet in bar 10 can be practically interpreted as two eighth notes in binary subdivision). Still, if it's too confusing for the interpreter I'll try to change it. Anyway, that's just a sketch, when I finish the other poem, I'll reupload both of them together in one whole video. Claudio
  14. I am glad you enjoyed it @ComposedBySam. Thank you for your words
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