I almost forget to reply to my own work lol…
For me in that two bars they are not too melodic for me. I don’t have any purpose there as I wrote them in fury and I think the fury does show in the passage. I don’t wanna pretend to be melodic all the time if my intuition doesn’t feel like it! For me music should be melodic if it should but shouldn’t if it shouldn’t, but how to determine whether should or shouldn’t, that’s the question.
I love b.39 passage too! For me I deliberately leave the b.89 heavy because it’s a false recapitulation with a second inversion chord return. The melody is not ready at all because the agitation isn’t released at all, and hence the music erupts again in b.93. B.105 is more stable, at least the texture is less thick, but still quite unstable with the chromatic undercurrent.
In b.126 I wanna express that the protagonist’s mind (which is, my mind) invaded by his imagination of a better world, hence the melody is interrupted and filled with those pentatonic fillings. That’s personal interpretation though.
I don’t play b.138 as tenuto though, but thx for liking it haha! For me in b.142, just the top E feels empty so I added the G#, it yeah that’s personal.
And thx for your very valuable suggestion! Lemme respond to them:
1) Maybe it works, but I prefer the present one without an F#, and it’s personal
2) For me I want the distraction to hint that the melody is not peaceful at all with the C natural disturbance. The augmented chord in b.16 is my favourite chord too! And for b.12 I’m the same with you!
3) Maybe because the chord is a minor seventh in its first inversion, so it has that particular sound. I was more thinking the voice leading there though by having the bass moving down to A#. It’s a parallel fifth too, though less apparent with a contrary motion.
4) I think it’s bar 20 right? I left out the A of the middle voice because having it with disturb the descending chromatic voice leading, and also I wanna have the line sung. But again this is personal.
Thx so much for your really detailed review Jonas! I really appreciate it!!