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Henry Ng Tsz Kiu

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Henry Ng Tsz Kiu last won the day on December 18

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About Henry Ng Tsz Kiu

  • Birthday July 25

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  • Website URL
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvJlL2flTJzwQYwK0QhE1SA

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hong Kong
  • Interests
    Reading, Listening to music, Composing, Watching Films, Thinking
  • Favorite Composers
    Beethoven, esp. Late Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Mahler, Mozart, Haydn, Vaughn Williams, Palestrina
  • My Compositional Styles
    Classical, Romantic,Tonal
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Sibelius 6
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  1. Hello @Contrappuntista, Welcome to the forum! As Luis said you make good use of consonance and dissonance in the music. You make good use of cadence and follow the tonic-predominant-dominant-tonic formula well enough. I would suggest you extending the music to a longer one, possibly in 16 bars or even 32 bars with a contrasting phrase. Thx for sharing and joining! Henry
  2. Hi @NicholasG, The opening sounds exciting, but the whistle reminds me more a football match than a march! I like the marching rhythm though it sounds more like an advertisement music for me to be honest. The opening C minor passage is great, it reminds me of the background music of Merry Christmas Mr. Lawerence when David Bowie kissed Ryuichi Sakamoto! Thx for reminding me Peter, as I immediately turn my volume down reading your comment 😛 Thx for sharing! Henry
  3. Hi Jonathon, It's surprising for me to have the 2nd movement in F# major in a D minor piece despite the previous movement ending in D major! String players always said F# major (or Gb major) difficult for string players but you are a string player yourself so I think that's not a problem! You really capture the scherzo style, and I like those chromatic fallings before the end of it. I actually think both the modulation to the C# minor and changing the tempo to Adagio in the Trio section a bit abrupt. Maybe personally I won't change the tempo to Adagio, but that's subjective. Also you should change the key signature there! Like Peter said I love the pizzicatos there. For me the retranstions works fine as it reminds me of the Scherzo in Tchaikovsky's Fourth Symphony. Thx for sharing! I will finish the remaining two movements indefinitely haha. Henry
  4. Hey @Mooravioli, I like these two music! It sounds so different with the famous Minuet in G arranged to a jazzy style. Honestly I don't recognize the Beethoven melody since it sounds so different from Beethoven, but I like it as well! My only complain is that I don't like the drum kit! I think it's a bit disturbing the cozy feeling of the pieces! Thx for sharing! Henry
  5. Hi @ComposedBySam, The piece is so soothing to listen to.The texture in b.13 sounds so well! Cello melody, then joined by a conversation with clarinet and the piano accompaniment. I think you can use a clarinet in A to avoid a 5 sharp key signature! Also I think you can explore the higher regtister of the clarinet too, though it may ruin the hazy feeling here. Thx for sharing! I like it. Henry
  6. Hi @JorgeDavid, I have reviewed the piano version before, but I must say I love this version more! It sounds more contemplative here with the strings! As you have said, I enjoy those moments when the melody is played by cello! Also with different instruments the counterpoint is more apparent than the piano version! Thx for sharing the arrangement! Henry
  7. Hey @Luis Hernández, I love how meditative the music sound. I like it. It sounds simple but very soothing. And I love the meterless meter like Medeival music as I always love Gregorian Chants to be honest. I love the term Peter LoL. I like using a complicated term to describe simple music style like academics who use the term postmodern for every empty arts LoL. Thx for sharing! Henry
  8. Hi @Some Guy That writes Music, Like Mark said the music has some renaissance feel. If some parallel octaves are added it will become a parallel organum! I like how you control your music with the contrast of tutti and solo passages just like a Baroque solo concerto, and your use of different textures and note values to control the flow. I think in b.21 slur would not be used for a pizz. passage in violin II! Thx for sharing. Henry
  9. Hey @Alex Weidmann, I think the Prelude is rather like a guitar piece haha, I don't know why. For the Fugue, I just don't get why it's a fugue 😛. I don't find the subject! For the Chaconne I like that you are increasing the intensity by having shorter note values in later passages just like a Baroque one. That's my fav. of the 3 movements. Thx for sharing! Henry
  10. I'm touched. Not so, in fact I work little on my works these few months becoz of my full time "work"! Now I have more time on my real works! Thx Alex! Henry
  11. Hi @piajo, I know I love the beginning section of "I don't know"! I am less in liking of the contrasting sentence in 1:10 but I like the later section. I like the ending as well. For "I got it wrong" I don't think you got ot wrong! I love those quartal chords. Thx for sharing! Henry
  12. Hi @Vavrinec, This is lovely! I love your melody and your orchestration very much! The contrasting theme in 0:56 is great as well. For me you can at least continue with the ending melody to complete the contrasting theme, then go back to the opening theme with different orchestration.These 3 parts will comprise the 1st section and you can go for new themes for the 2nd section! Thx for sharing! I like this one. Henry
  13. Hey Jean @Krisp, Sorry for another late reply even though I have heard this piece immediately after your release. I always love your harmonic language. 1:20 I love your modulation here! You move to the darker Eb minor after a refreshing start. Although there are lovely harmonies everywhere, I really love the chords in 2:38! Ending in the tritone of Bb after a E minor start is a nice touch! I would prefer this to the music now haha. For me I think some of the "progressives" are just writing music with nasty sound and claim themselves to be progressives. They are writing sounds rather than music when sound is put the highest emphasis. It would be great to add una corda for the last sentence after the "cotton in the ear" with the more muffled sound in piano! Thx for sharing!!! Henry
  14. Hey Peter, As I have said before, the polytonal variation is wierdly wonderful like a sweet with a salty coating which makes the sweet sweeter. I would love the piano accompaniment to continue after the intro! Thx for sharing! Henry
  15. Hey @Alex Weidmann, It sounds grand and promising! I don't think it's from other music! For me I would leave the D major ending at the very end of the piece like the ending of a Dorian Mode piece in a Renaissance setting. But other than that, it's up to you! It depends on how you conceive your piece's structure, like you can have a climactic opening, and anti-climactic middle section and an even more climactic ending, or just a quieter opening with climax after it! Thx for sharing! Henry
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