I have a million questions - and I'm sure I'll try to ask them all at some point - but I'll start with one first; it relates to timing.
Often times I "audition" various instruments and synth sounds - and even record some ethereal pads that turn out to be quite long and loosely timed - with little to no real concern for time signature. If it ends up being something I like - and want to work on further - the difficulty I'm running into is - how to pick a tempo/time signature that makes sense and fits - once I decide what I'd like to do with the piece once it's recorded.
I realize this is 'cart before the horse" kinda stuff. Really.
So what I'm trying to learn - is how to, BEFORE I start to record, choose the proper time/tempo/bpm to apply to longer, slower material so that I am at least following some sort of recognizable pattern to the music.
For example - single notes that are between 7-10 seconds long. (or - the opening 30 seconds of Beethoven's 9th) - I have not a clue how to even begin to approach putting them into some sort of musical framework.
At best - I need some really good "101" type resources to read.