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Nadin last won the day on November 17 2022

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About Nadin

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  • Biography
    I study piano at Hermann László Secondary Grammar School of Music and I also study
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  • My Compositional Styles
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    MuseScore, Cubase
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Drum, Violin

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  1. Thank you! I played the violin for a long time and when I started to learn the basics of Jazz I thought I would write a jazz piece for string quartet. I was awarded a special prize in a Hungarian composer competition, and I had already won a first prize in this competition with a piano piece. This piece was a little bit special because it was mainly classical music. I won the previous competition with this piece when I was 13 years old:
  2. Thank you! I did not write the English text and the poem. In the solo I also sing this part: "Soft enough, fine as wool" 🙂 "trumpet tak" is the verb "trombitál" which in English is more like playing the trumpet. I'll also show you a picture of the main character of the song who is a soft toy animal in a children's library and his name is "Körbi". The name of the library is "KörBirodalom" which is roughly equivalent to the Circle Empire in English.
  3. Thank you! Yes, I composed the music. I got the video without sound and had to compose a score and put in some sound effects. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the semi-finals, but I'm glad you like it!
  4. Thank you! Unfortunately, I couldn't do the mixing, I'm only 17 years old and I've mainly studied classical composition. I still have a lot to learn to mix good music. There are only cheaper VST's and that's all I could do.
  5. Piano arrangement of the Hungarian folk song Kis kece lányom in 5 variations. This is only the midi recording, but I have played the first 4 variations in another video.
  6. I composed this piece when I was 14 years old for the 2nd Szokolay InspirArt Composition Competition, where I won a special prize.
  7. Thank you for your review! The music was created in Cubase, not the best VST, but unfortunately that's all we had money for. It was only performed live once, but unfortunately no video was recorded. I'm glad you liked the piece, I tried to put something unconventional in it. I have since modified and added to the score, but it can't be re-uploaded to youtube.
  8. Thank you for the positive review! It was not easy to compose this piece, even in Hungarian the lyrics of the poem were difficult. Unfortunately, I don't have much free time now during school (I come in at 8 in the morning and finish at 8 at night, that's life in music school :D). Now I mainly have to compose style exercises chorale harmonizations, minuets, sonatas.
  9. Competition entry for the opening intro sequence from "Die by the Blade" video game.
  10. A poem set to music submitted to the Körbirodalom competition. Music by Nadin Varga Lyrics by Borbála Machlik Performed by: Choir of the Hermann László Secondary School of Music Choirmaster: György Mihály Piano accompanist: Tamás Vasvári Teachers: Tamás Vasvári and Zoltán Galambos The recording was made in the main hall of the Hermann László Secondary School of Music.
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