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About tizizicoblack

  • Birthday 08/28/1997

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm Tiziano, a 25 y.o. guy from Rome who discovered the deep and fantastic world of music theory during pandemic. Since I was a teenager I always bring my ipod with me, inside that pocket portal for other dimensions there is a ver very strange collection of songs: from classical, to videogames, from Florence+the Machine to italian songwriters, but also Dinsey's songs, mashups, remix etc. I have never taken piano lessons, but I learned something playing by myself following the synthesia video on youtube, however when I decided to play my own music i choose the program FLstudio so I don't have to struggle with any insutrument.
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  • Interests
    music, photography, table games, videogames, poetry
  • Favorite Composers
    Bach, Vivaldi, Pachelbel, ZUN, Ennio Morricone,
  • My Compositional Styles
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
  • Instruments Played
    piano (a bit)

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  1. thank you allf or the precious advises, this christmas I want to remix and improve this piece and I'll follow your observations. I'm sorry Omicronrg9 but i don't have the PDF, I even tried to convert it (cause the original file is in fl studio) but it came out as a mess. I'll go watch some videos about the form "question and answer". Ty guys
  2. I imagined this theme under a bossfight against the antagonist of a videogame. In this piece I tryed to experiment with diminished chords, electrig guitar and with speed up and slow down metronome effect. I know that for a real battle theme percussion are important but unfortunately I'm a noob if we're talking about rythm, so pls give me some advise to improve.
  3. This piece is very classical, it strongly reminds me of Mozart, however I don't understand if it's for an orchestra or just for a cello + few other instruments of contour, the cello surprises me when it came up, even if it's the at the beginning of the piece. I advise you to present the main instrument at first and then instorude other secondary instrument, or at least to write a longer introduction so it's clear the main character will come later. I also think you can express at the maximum of your potential if you experiment more if you add the dynamics (pp, p, mf, f, ff).
  4. It has a strong classical references however it's clearly a piece written nowadays, I appreciated the rithm just 2 instruments can create. The performance it's almost perfect, it must cost you days and days of practice, incredible! For my personal opinion there's too much repetitions of the same note, in any case the development of the piece is clear and enjoyable, good job
  5. Written about Entry F: I believe that a piece of art explains itself, so I prefere to listen, then read the explaination of what the artist means. I really like you strong melody lines, they are clear and they really fits the characters. However it seems like it's a piece that has to match to some sort of video, form one side it is really image evocative, on the other hand it seems not complete or not well connected in its different musical sentences, also because I can't find any recurring patterns or at least they are not underlined. Above all i respect the really hard choice to tell a story about two animals, I think it's really difficult but u did a great job!
  6. I really like the ambient sound choice, and also the non-tempo feeling at the beginning, it feels like you get lost in seeing a starry sky. However later is cleary present a sense of inquietude, it seems like you want to talk about the unpleasent feeling of being exposed in a cold night, alone. I really liked the cellos staccato of the same note, it gives the right amount of energy. Maybe th part at 5:50 is too spearated from the rest, but it is still very beautiful.
  7. This summer I went to New York and in my room there was a piano, so I started teaching the Canon to my trip-mate Giulia and the last day we played a very great duo. This song is dedicated to her and of course it contains the magical chord progression of the Pachelbel's Canon, I also used the bassline as counterpoint for certain parts and I experimented with the key changes to the relative major and minor. I hope u'll like it, pls give me some advise so I can improve.
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