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About arnevr

  • Birthday 04/08/1989

Contact Methods

  • MSN

Profile Information

  • Biography
    a composer from the Netherlands
  • Location
    the Netherlands (also known as Holland)
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Well, composing, playing in bands

arnevr's Achievements


Enthusiast (6/15)

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  • Conversation Starter Rare
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  • Eight Years in

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  1. That's indeed what i mean My CME and my M-Audio also have a socket for a BC
  2. Well just found out that i have a Tin Whistle in Logic 8 Pro... It's not brilliant when you use it dry... But when adding some reverb and using your modulation wheel... It's sounds pretty good... Have you ever heard of "breath control"? Ever used it? Was wondering how that works... Sorry for my english, it's not my first language.
  3. Thank you very much... :) I would really like it to use one in one of my compositions.
  4. Do you know any good sample library which has one in it??
  5. Aha, I love the accents of it's sound...
  6. Hello, I think I have a stupid question... What kind of flute is the flute you hear in the score of Titanic... You can also hear it in the intro My heart will go on... Thank you
  7. Hi, I'm looking for VST's of those nice vintage instruments. Like: -Rhodes -Clavinet It has to be quality stuff. Sorry my english is not perfect. Greetings, Arnevr
  8. No it isn't Close to you
  9. Hi, I have been having a certain melody in my head for weeks now, and can't figure out from who it is. I recorded what i remember from it. Sorry, perfomance is not good or anything... How is this called? MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (Sorry for my english)
  10. Already tried that, I'm looking for something like this: YouTube - Misplaatst Teaser I know youtube is bad quality, but I think I can't post the mp3 here.
  11. Hi, I'm looking for a warm, soft, smooth piano sound. I need it for emotional music. I already tried: - Art Vista Piano; fun sounds, but not what I'm looking for. - Native Instruments Akoustik Piano; not warm enough. - The Steinberg D piano in Colossus; still not what I'm looking for. Any advice?
  12. Landgenoot, :toothygrin: Thank you very much :)
  13. Do you know any other sample libraries which includes nice ethnic instruments like Quantum Leap RA ?
  14. Which VST plugin do you think offers the nicest, most realistic piano sound? The price of it is not an issue.
  15. Thanks for you comment. Only instruments I'm using now are strings, piano, percussion (timpani + cymbal). I'm not really sure how I can bring more variation to this theme, but I'll work something out.
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