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  1. Thank you for the helpful advice - I have made a few changes with the slurs based on what you said. The portato is a very good idea and the playback actually sounds quite nice too! Thanks again, Louis
  2. Dear all, I have now added slur markings and made a few amendments. If anyone would be willing to give me some feedback on the bowing it would be much appreciated. Louis
  3. Thank you for this helpful information. Presumably I can just slur the top three notes (G-G#-A) over the C, so then it would be in one bow? I will get rid of the A octave in Bar 10 as it is unnecessary. Out of interest, what makes it difficult? Id it just Octaves in General? Louis
  4. Thank you Jordan. I will have a chat with a cellist I know about double stops! I am using Musescore 4 with the Sounds packs from MuseHub. They are free but sound quite good don't you think? Louis
  5. Dear Peter, Thank you for your kind words and explanation about double stops. And sorry I didn't reply sooner! I have several cello friends so I will consult one of them at some point. There will probably be a way of reworking the affected bars to avoid the double stopped 5th. KR, Louis
  6. Not to worry. I have attached the piece I would of submitted but don't feel you have to include it. The Brahms Lullaby Challenge look interesting and I will definitely consider entering it! Kind regards, Louis
  7. I guess I am too late to enter the competition now? If I am I understand. Will you be doing a similar event next year? Louis
  8. Hello everyone, This is my first in a while, I have finally given writing for strings a go! It is only a short piece, but I would interested with what people have to say particularly with regards to double stops, bowing and any string writing conventions I should know about. Thank you, Louis
  9. @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu Yes I am lucky to have a very good music department at the school I go to. I definitely see your point about the 2nd subject recapitulation being in the tonic major may not be appropriate given the scale of the piece whereas in Beethoven's 5th it makes sense. I think as you have said, I will probably have to choose between extending the 2nd subject or having it in the tonic minor. I am leaning towards just putting it in the tonic minor. -Will change the tremolo markings, and good to know for the future. Is it tremolos in general that are not idiomatic to the piano or is it just the fact that it is quaver tremolos? -I think if I have the 2nd subject come back in tonic minor, then I think an undeveloped 2nd subject would not be inappropriate. Thank you again for the help, Louis
  10. Dear @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu , thank you so much for the reply, this is very useful for me as I have a composition deadline in 15 days for school. I will give a more detailed response on the weekend, and may get round to making some alterations. Thanks again, Louis
  11. Hello, sorry for the delay, I have finally got somewhere with that sonata. If you want to take a look it is here. Louis
  12. Hello, In January I posted an incomplete Piano Concerto. I decided to create a Sonata based on that material. It is kind of finished although there are several places I am not totally satisfied with. I would like to hear from anyone about the form of the piece and whether I have successfully demonstrated a coherent sonata form (as this is for an assignment that is to compose a piece in sonata form). Also if you have any specific ideas i.e a better pianistic idea or a change to the harmony I would very grateful. Thank you, Louis Sonata_in_B_minor_final_.pdfSonata_in_B_minor_final_.pdf
  13. Hello Henry, I am now planning on reducing the ideas that I have written into a piano sonata to make it more manageable. Thank you for the advice, it is definitely appreciated. Louis
  14. have been working for a while on my first proper attempt at writing a piano sonata. Here is the complete double exposition, albeit un-orchestrated. I would much appreciate feedback + ideas on how to approach writing the development section. The development section is already underway but, it has not reached the same level of completion as the exposition. Also, ideas on orchestration would be appreciated as well as comments on the form. soundcloud.com/louis-fletcher-433112829/concerto-in-b-minor-double-exposition?si=d7e98d79d30642e3add8de4aebcf2e91&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Concerto_in_B_minor_-_Development.pdf (59.81 KB)
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