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Mooravioli last won the day on January 29

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  1. Hey man, thank you for this wonderfully detailed reply. I appreciate your insights and can tell you have a passion for the production process, perhaps soon I will upgrade my production quality, but it will still surely be inferior to yours since I don’t use a keyboard to compose. It is quite true that those “imperfect” elements add to the realism of the orchestra. You should check out blake robinson’s synthetic orchestra, I think he has a similar attention to sound details as yours. Also I have subscribed to your channel, it is too underrated. Look forward hearing to more works.
  2. no pressure at all if you can't get the score. The BBCSO seems to execute those extended techniques very well, in addition to sounding quite realistic. I am simply looking for ways I could improve my sound production without having to rely on musesounds all the time. Is the BBCSO VST compatible with musescore?
  3. great production here, is this the konkact soundfont you are using? I hear a few echoes of Liszt's Totentanz, but the Dies Irae is developed in a completely different manner, in regards to style, orchestral technique and harmony. If possible, I would definitely like to have a look at the score since you seem to be using quite a few extended techniques; it is wonderful to hear how all these "avant-garde sounds" could be incorporated into tangible, colorful music. good stuff, brother👌
  4. I have to agree with Chopin’s comment. You are really building off this microtonal idea, I don’t even know what subminor 7ths or 1/3rd tones are tbh. There’s still a bit of acclimation I have to go through with my ears but this would fit a sci-fi movie or video game very well. Tight construction of different motives as always, and especially liked the chromatic ascension into the new theme. Good innovations happening here.
  5. Whoa Henry, Seems like I am late to the party again... But whoa, you are really beginning to develop your original style with this movement even if it is quite Chopin-influenced, a sharp contrast to the more Beethovenian first movement. The pentatonic melody in the last refrain is so magical, reminds me of those beautiful Chinese pagodas which I have yet to visit. As Peter mentioned, the repeated chords do get a little pompous at times, though you seem to be experimenting a lot both with rhythm and harmony. I do have to note that this section actually makes the leggiero sound so much better(contrast between light and heavy), so I wouldn't suggesting making any changes if this is part of your mind game. I really appreciate you incorporating more folk elements into your work, I think it will help with discovering your own voice. May I ask how many hours you practice per day? Its been so difficult to motivate myself to play piano recently; I feel like focusing solely on my future day job(if I can find one) and composing after I graduate. Look forward to hearing the 3rd and 4th movement.
  6. Hello Henry, you asked for a crazy post: 🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️ sorry for the late reply 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪 😑 The sound quality is definitely improving, kudos to you on buying a new microphone; since the tone is now much sharper and intense, I would exaggerate the dynamic changes a little more if you're going for this sort of microphone placement. But as others have suggested, putting your microphone farther away could produce better results. As for your short piece, I quite like it, reminds me of those pieces from the Trinity or Yamaha Piano curriculum, not that it is a bad thing. On that note, maybe you could have your students play a few of your pieces. I'm sure there is a lot to learn in regards to technique and form. Here's what I found about playing your own pieces in an exam: https://teacherhub.abrsm.org/mod/page/view.php?id=1473 anyways, 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 look forward to your new compositions
  7. Hello ComposaBoi, I was meaning to comment on this a while ago, but procrastination really got the better of me(as is the case with too many endeavors). Apologize for my indolence. I wanted to say that the last movement particularly touched me; the final full iteration of the theme is quite heartfelt especially after all the dissonance you've introduced. My only real concerns lie in the 3rd movement and your harmonic writing for the fast sections. For the former, the violin accompaniment in the first section seems to overlap with the main theme at times. I would be careful about balance issues since it could prove difficult to discern the melody. As for the latter, Henry gave you a suggestion on this too, maybe you could try modulating to other keys, use secondary dominants or even apply modal mixture. I would also check a few part writing details, cuz some dissonances seem too jarring in the context of the work.(but it's totally up to you if you'd like to keep it that way) Anyways, this is already quite well-thought out compositionally, given the fact that it's based on only a few themes. Your writing, in general, also feels quite personal, which is always interesting for me to hear. Consider me a follower
  8. Thanks for the heads up. also, yes Musescore 4 seems to support detuning now as well as snap pizz and harmonics.
  9. I've heard Konkact is also quite good at emulating real orchestral sounds, but it is pricey as you might expect. Though, have a listen to Blake Robinson's Synthetic Orchestra. It is very impressive how "real" synthetic instruments can sound nowadays. Hope you find players sooner or later for your piece, then you'll be able to get a nice live recording instead.
  10. Glad to hear from you again, Peter, and also elated to hear your favorite part was around 4:09 since I think the part starting from 3:40 is one of the best I've written thus far. I've tried out your advice beforehand but a problem presents itself in the violin cadenza: I can't tell if this is ok for an orchestral score, because I've never seen anything like this appear even in "Scheherazade". Would love to know both your thoughts on this.
  11. Hello Kyle, Happy new year to you and sorry for the late reply, this piece is not bad at all especially for the style it's written in; it has a really modern and minimalist feel to it, not unlike Hans Zimmer's scores. You bring a lot of rhythmic interest to the work with the overlaying of different parts, and the orchestration sounds quite cinematic(though there are a few odd bits with the sax). My only concern is that the entire work feels quite uniform in it's atmosphere. Though there are some moments where you bring light into the work(at 3:43 for example), I believe you could feature a contrasting section which truly celebrates the life of the individual. Maybe developing a melody in the major key could help. Anyways, this would fit great in a end-of-the-world type soundtrack, and I could already picture Nicholas Cage starring in it. Keep me posted if you ever do a collab, I'd be very curious to hear this work featured in a short film.
  12. Hello Kyle, Thank you so much for this detailed post. I very much appreciate the fact that you clarified issues with notation, since that will help me a lot with the engraving process(which is not my forte at all). The solo at bar 32 has actually modulated to C sharp minor but I see your point on overloading the players with too many sharps. Will definitely revise my score for the rhythm you've mentioned, because there are probably a few other spots with this notation problem. Very glad you enjoyed this piece, you can always check out more works in my YC profile(recently made a corny about section). I shall get to listening to your recent work too.
  13. Hello peeps, Merry belated Christmas and happy upcoming New Year. I recently wrote this work based on a popular theme that has been surfacing on Tik-Tok and Instagram. It usually appears on slow-mo reels or funny fails in general. I thought the theme had quite a bit of potential and decided to write a short orchestral fantasia based on it. I apologize if the score is a little hard to follow. I am planning to work on engraving after I receive more feedbacks. Thanke Truly Final Version + Animation
  14. Thanks again, Henry. The theme is actually from Beethoven's 6th symphony, specifically the last movement. You should definitely check it out, a beautiful piece; I think you'll like it.
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