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About Samuel_vangogh

  • Birthday 06/22/2006

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  • Favorite Composers
    Grieg and Ravel
  • My Compositional Styles
    I try making everything
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  • Instruments Played
    Viola and piano

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  1. Hi @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu Thank you for your comment! I'm pretty happy with the final result but I think I could have explored further the harmony and sounds of the piano. I wanted the music to sound homogeneous and the main melody to be fragmented so that it would not take up much of the spotlight, which is why I tried to make the counterpoint blend with the melody.
  2. Hiii, this is the final version of one of my excercises for school, as it's in an impressionistic style I decided to give it a french name! It means "arriving boats at the quay" Ejercicio No 13 1.pdf Ejercicio No 13 1.mp3
  3. Hi! @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu Thank you for your reply! But I'm not familiar with some terms, what do yoh mean with "chordal" ?
  4. Well, both «harmony» and «counterpoint» by piston will do you well. As for the A-/E to E7 Its an A minor chord but with an E on the bass (instead of an A) that goes to E7 (e g# b d)
  5. I had my headphones at maximum volume while listening to this.........
  6. Hi @Kvothe Thank you for your feedback and taking the time to listen the piece! Its not finished, that short cadenza is just the second part (which is yet to finish) that acts as a contrast material for the posterior repetition of the first theme!
  7. Hi Jqh! After listening to your piece I must say that the way you explore different rythms is quite good! (p.e: use of duplets and quadruplets or playing the same melody by two instruments but with rythm diferences) also, the key changes are well done, it all makes this piece to sound very modern, like it's from a movie! I think you could improve it a lot by paying attention to voice movements and chord links, some dissonances are not well resolved or prepared. In the other hand, the chromatic movements you used are interesting but I would use a A-/E E7 at b.4 and not only a A-, because the D#dim7 chord you used before wants to resolve to E. Besides, I'd use bass clef for the last bar and no to do those double notes at bar 3 (in the image)
  8. Hi mossy! I really enjoyed this fugue, it's nice to listen to it! In general, it's really good (thera are some fiths reached by direct movement but it really doesn't matter) Like, in b.13 there is a seven interval (B and A) between the second and first voice which is not resolved. Maybe it's an stylistic choice but if you wanted to properly copy baroque style you should resolve that interval. Furthermore, due to tuning limitations, baroque composers didn't modulate to far keys (C# minor to C major). Again, this only matters if you want to fully copy the style. But I really liked this fugue! Thanks for sharing! (Post Scriptum, I hope my poor choice of words didn't make the text ununderstandable, i'm still learning english!)
  9. Hiiii! I'm back!!!!!!!! This time I wanted to share with you a modal practice my teacher asked for!! Hope you like it! Ejercicio No 13 1.mp3 Ejercicio No 13 1.pdf
  10. Thank you! The Fauré Thing is a mistake! It is not suposed to Sound like Fauré!
  11. So I finally did it! In june i will have the access test which ive been preparing to for two whole years !!!!!! Im so excited i cant held the tears !! I have to submit several pieces for that and I want to share them with you, this is like a tiny 'concert' in which you can appreciate my development !!!!!!! I ve already posted some of those pieces here, so some of you may already know them I hope you like it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (btw, the audio of the first score is broken somehow)
  12. Hi Henry, thanks for replying! I thought that i should further explore tonalities (maybe C#) and then go back to tonic and the main theme. After that, a more brahm-like coda.
  13. Hiiiii. I've been working on a piece i will submit for my access test. I used and old piece and wrote it for a trio ensemble. 😀❤️😀 Trio pour clarinete, alto et piano.mp3 Trio pour clarinete, alto et piano.pdf (don't mind the last viola bars, i was playing with a joe hisaishi theme and i forgot to remove it)
  14. Tema con Variaciones.mp3 Hi! It has rained a lot since last time i posted somenthing here! I've been working on this and i want to show this piece for my access exam on may. I think that my style has evolved a lot and i tried making a piece with a more modern harmonic language. I think that the variations differ a lot from the original theme and the order is still to be decided. Tema con Variaciones.pdf
  15. Hi! I think this is a very cute trio! My favourite part are the introduction b.45-46-47. I think that, to emphasize the melody in 21 (as it is mid register), maybe you can do a variation of the main theme with a larger register, not just a 6th, also, the flute could double the melody an octave higher (like b.24) so you break the accompaniment pattern! Overall, i liked it a lot!!!!!!😀
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