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  1. Hi! Here is a piece I wrote for some kinda plot twist in a movie . I decided not to have an "Explosive" moment, wich is commen when you have a twist in movies. Instead I decided to just let the music slowly build. I only used free Vst-plugins (BBC Orchstra, Sine factory, Spitfire Labs, Neo Piano and The free Orchestra from Kontakt) The Daw I used is Lmms, wich is not really good but it`s simple enough that even I can understand it and it´s also free. The key of the Theme is A-minor (Although it might have a Key change in it, I can`t remembder and honestly, I don`t have time to check) I hope you enjoy.
  2. HI! (I apologies for my bad english btw) First of all, I love the Pan of the instruments in the first half. It gives it a better rythem. I can definetly imgain this playing in a game like god of war and overall I really liked it. But i think that the precussions from 2:14 onwards are a bit out of place. I also agree that the ending is to aprupt. You should let it pan out a bit more. Thank you for sharing this piece! Dave.
  3. Hi guyyys, hear is my abomination of an action Theme. I only used free VSTs and I had to compress the file quite a bit, so the audio might suffer a bit. (Also sry if my English is bad, it´s not my native language.)
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