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About skvlkin

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  1. Piece I'm debuting with a friend at a new music festival in Illinois next month! tethers - nocture for two guitars in g major.pdf tethers - audio.mp3
  2. thank you mark! i wrote this to be perceived as an etude, hopefully to accompany a group of similar pieces. For fingerings, is it common for different performers to have different oboe TYPES? Different fingerings across multiple different oboes?
  3. thanks henry! would you consider shifting keys/tonal center in this short of a piece? i considered doing the rubato section in a more modal manner but decided to keep it tonic.
  4. hey yall my oboe professor at the uni I go to asked the composition students to write her a brief solo. So here's what I wrote! For background, im a percussionist (drum set battery focus) and this is my second time composing something tonal. The tempo rubato section is to be played with the idea of circular breathing encouraged.
  5. This is awesome! What voice did you have in mind in terms of timbre? I think this makes for a badass xylophone solo for high school/college.
  6. Hey guys. First post woo! This is for a class I'm taking (studying composition right now) and kind of just wanted general "first opinions" on this piece. Any feedback is good feedback, thanks 😄 Kinda lame, but this is very influenced by Mario Galaxy (specifically buoy base) lol it's a great soundtrack we can't deny it
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