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About Saltypenguin

  • Birthday 05/25/2006

Profile Information

  • Biography
    A Year10 student in SG. Just discovered the website not so recently :)
  • Gender
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  • Occupation
    Still in School
  • Interests
    music composition, reading historical/science fictions, watching films
  • Favorite Composers
    Mozart, Beethoven, Clementi, Joseph Haydn, Tchaikovsky, Brahms, Handel, Lizst, Rachmaninoff
  • My Compositional Styles
    maybe classical??????
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Logic Pro/ Sibelius/ Noteperformer
  • Instruments Played

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  1. Hi everyone, just wanted to share a quick update on my previous post - I've found a composition teacher! I'm now studying with the one and only @Beethoven is God, who's been incredibly dedicated and helpful. Hope y'all are doing well 😉
  2. Hi @Beethoven is God, Lol I was just about to ask you to resend the message on YC and then I checked my discord inbox and found it there... Thanks for replying to my post! I will get back to you in discord. Edit: forgot to check my discord inbox
  3. Hi everyone! I've been searching everywhere for a composition teacher, but without success. Any suggestions on where I can find one? I tried to find a composition teacher locally (I'm from Singapore) but sadly it seems that most of them are more interested in avant-garde modern music rather than classical music. Also, if any of you are interested in teaching composition, I would love to learn from you! I've been listening to many pieces posted here and I'm really impressed by you guys' compositional skills and creativity. Regarding myself, I am currently a secondary school student and I want to learn the classical/ early romantic style of composition. I've attempted to compose my own pieces without guidance, but they didn't turn out as I had hoped. I understand that composition is not easy to learn, but I am ready to learn from the basics. I play the piano and have some basic music theory, so learning composition won't be a completely fresh start for me. If you are interested, please feel free to leave a comment here or drop me a message! Your recommendations or willingness to mentor would mean the world to me 😉 Best regards, Saltypenguin
  4. @expert21, thanks for the criticism! I will try to improve on my melody and share it when I finish the whole piece ;)
  5. Hi @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu, Thanks for the reply! Yes, there is a solo clarinet. I pulled the "classical symphony" template straight from musescore, and forgot to separate the clarinet from the rest of the orchestra. This is a great idea! I will let the solo clarinet play the opening theme in the second section. I might proceed the piece by transposing to A major or relative minor, whichever sounds best... thanks for the useful suggestions! Saltypenguin
  6. Hi guys, this is a piece I wrote recently, and I'm already stuck at bar 21 😞 I feel like my music is proceeding far too quickly, but I have no idea as of how to slow it down to make it more logical. I also get stuck easily whenever my initial ideas ran out... PS:It is a homework assigned by my music teacher, we were given a one-bar rhythm (I used it in the first bar) and are required to write a piece based on it. However, the music lesson does not focus much on composition- also there are many students in my class- so the teacher only glanced through my work and gave a few suggestions without telling me what I should actually do. (I've never had any formal training on composition, only some music theory knowledge at about ABRSM grade 6) PPS: I am a very slow composer and spent like four weeks writing these twenty bars of music. Sometimes it takes weeks to generate ideas. Is this normal? How should I improve on the speed and quality of my work? All suggestions/advice and criticisms are welcomed! Thanks in advance 😉 Saltypenguin
  7. Thank you @Henry Ng Tsz Kiufor the warm encouragement! I think I will share some of my works in the next few days ;)
  8. Hi Anto! I really enjoyed your music, especially "Midday". The brilliant use of ascending harp gave a relaxed and a "soaring" feeling, which illustrated the title "Flying Through the Wind" quite well. My only suggestion of improvement would be that the ending should be longer as I feel it's a bit abrupt. (Maybe it's the DAW's fault) I'm really glad that you have shared these 3 beautiful pieces with us! I joined the forum about a week ago but is still not daring enough to share my works...
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