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About Anto21

  • Birthday 04/21/2007

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  • Interests
    Anime, manga, videogames and of course music :)
  • Favorite Composers
    Koji Kondo, Toby Fox, John Powell
  • My Compositional Styles
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Musescore 4
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  1. I've made this composition thinking of a castle in the early morning, when all people slowly starts to wake up and start a new day. I tried to use this "morning" feeling, and it also remind me of autumn a bit. You can listen to it here. I hope you like it!
  2. This is a composition I made trying to create a main theme for a story I thought of. My goal was to made it recall emotions such as happiness or nostalgia for past days. Also, this is my first composition ever with Cakewalk by BandLab so for me it was like an experiment to learn how to use the program. You can listen to it here. I hope you like it!
  3. I made this composition thinking of a small village in the snow, and I tried to give it some winter feelings. This is my first piece where the time signature change during the song (it goes from 3/4 to 4/4 and then returns to 3/4 quite often), and also my first one with a modulation in it. I Hope you enjoy it! 🙂 The_Bells_In_The_Snow.mp3
  4. I like this! I fell like all the composition you create have something in common with each other, that makes clear they were composed by the same author. It's a good thing, because it's like you have your own "style" that is recognizable in everything you create and this is not an expection 🙂. Also, I really like the melody of the flute and the atmosphere of the composition in general. The title "I'm just a thinker" makes sense with this, but only for happy or nostalgic thoughts. I can't imagine thinking of something sad with this in my head!
  5. This music is the "remake" of my first ever musical composition, that I made on Christmas Day in 2021. I decided to make it as a "Christmas gift" for my girlfriend, because she likes writing stories and this music is supposed to be a theme for one of her characters. Thanks to that theme I understood for the first time how much I like composing, and exactly one year later, on 25th December 2022, I made a remake of it using all the stuff that I learned through the year. "Flames of Chaos" is a quite strange creation, and I don't really know what to think about it. This composition has a really special meaning to me, and I'm sharing with you both it ("Flames of Chaos") and the original material ("First Creation"), that I made more than a year ago. I don't need feedbacks on First Creation, I know it's really, really terrible, I'm sharing it just to make you know what was the original material I had for this "remake". 😅 I would like to know if in your opinion the "soul" of the two compositions seems the same, even if the chords and the instruments are very different 🙂. Flames of Chaos.mp3 First Creation.mp3
  6. Thank you @Saltypenguin, I'm glad you liked it! Yeah, the ending is abrupt, because I had no idea of how to end it; I know I have to fix that 😅. First of all thanks @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu for listening to it! I understand that I really have to work about how to end a composition 😅. Midnight was actually the hardest one to create for me, I never tried to compose "calm" music like that, so I had some difficulties, especially in the ending. I changed that part completely like three times and every time I wasn't satisfied with the result, so when finally it turned out a bit nice I thought "this is it, I won't work on this piece anymore". So yeah, the ending is abrupt and I know it 😅. By the way thanks to both of you for listening to my music and giving me feedbacks! It was my first time sharing music, and I definitely don't regret it! 🙂
  7. Well, apparently I'm that someone ✋. The first part is very relaxing, and is that a modulation you did in 1:18? My ear isn't great, I can't really tell 😅. The 1:22 part caught me off guard but I really enjoyed it! Maybe the ending was a bit abrupt but I'm not really an expert so don't listen to my critics like they were a sure fact 😅.
  8. Wow, this is good! I love all the melodies going on, especially at 1:35! Maybe it could be even better with a singing, but I don't know, because it doesn't sound like something's missing at all. Also, all the istruments togheter totally give the idea of love to me, happy and a little nostalgic, so I guess the title "meaning of love" is appropriate 🙂. I know mine isn't a tecnical or professional opinion at all but it's what I think, really a beatufiul and happy song 👍
  9. Hello there, I joined this forum just today and this is my first time ever sharing my music online 🙂. I'm an italian student (so I'm sorry if I make some english mistake) who likes playing piano and composing in his free time. I started writing music just some months ago and i LOVE it, it's the best way that I have to express myself. I was honestly scared about the idea of sharing my music (and maybe I'm still a bit scared), especially because I listened to some of the compositions in this forum and they are A LOT better than mine. I know my music isn't great, but I really want to improve so in the end I decided to try sharing it. These are three compositions that I made with the same ispiration, the sky, but looking at it in different moments: Midday, Sunset and Midnight. I hope you enjoy it 😅. Midday - Flying Through The Wind.mp3 Sunset - The Painted Sky.mp3 Midnight - An Ocean of Stars.mp3
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