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About blueygh2

  • Birthday 09/17/1986

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  1. Hello I only have this so far. I plan to use castagnets and english horn as well. Any suggestions? I'm a bit stuck.... hw.mid
  2. I wrote this this night. It's a bit experimental. Nothing great. Pulsating Storm.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage
  3. Thank you everyone. I knew that it was something "unique" ... or at least I hoped it would be,... I never thought about "mysterious" though. :)
  4. So, this is something I wrote for a friend, when (again) I should have been studying... Blurry Dreams (N Blurry Dreams (N
  5. This is a short piece I wrote instead of studying. :whistling: histo1T2.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage histo1.mid
  6. Thank you very much. I tried to balance the pianos in two ways. 1) They shouldn't get too boring parts to play 2) They should play parts complimenting each other.
  7. This is a piece I have begun working on quite some time ago, I was inspired by 1) our biology class/teacher, 2) by something a friend said. Hence the title. Lady in blue, it's that friend who dresses in blue. And the piece reflects how about everyone in biology felt. It should express unease, and (since the teacher sometimes asked questions out of the blue and dissed you, if you couldn't answer) moments of fear. Midi and MP3 Lady-in-turquoise.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage Lady-in-turquoise.mid
  8. A piece which mixes romance with bitter feelings. pianot4.mp3 - File Shared from Box.net - Free Online File Storage Only MP3 available for now
  9. Thank you all for the comments. I like the piece the way it is,... I often hear it in my head. I never thought about the hints, nor the development. It was an experiment in some way, and I like the way it came out.
  10. Thank you chicken, just had some fun after school :D David, thank you. The glass samples are bad, but they are just to illustrate how it could sound. I wasn't too satisfied with the glissandi either, and your idea of intervals is rather interesting. Thank you.
  11. Thank you. Chicken, there is no voice because I don't have a compatible voice sample. And because there is text to it, but probably no one would understand it, so I didn't mention it. John Galt, thank you. I wrote that piece rather quickly, so there is not much harmonic diversity, but it surely could be expanded as such. Thank you for mentionning the harmony getting lost under too much melodic material... I didn't pay attention to that.
  12. Wrote this piece "For Laurelie". Intended for voice and piano, added some other instruments to embellish it. Box.net - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files
  13. My standart is KS, good for various effects, whereas some other patches don't seem to integrate those effects (pizzicato, legato, solo,...) If you don't need those effects on the strings, then you can choose some other patch, with a somewhat different (maybe better) sound. I also like the lush strings
  14. Hello. Could anyone help me figure out how to finger these measures? The lower note on A and the other on E I guess? Any suggestions?
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