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About sasapwr

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  1. I wrote this chorale just now. Let me know if there's anything I can improve on! Thank you chorale_3.mp3
  2. I wrote this in 15 minutes, and you can definitely tell. I hope you like it though! I tried playing around with some interesting rhythms in this but I hope they don't detract too much from the actual piece. prelude.mp3
  3. @Papageno Thank you for your advice! I'll definitely keep working on these things, especially the melodies and the ABA form you suggested. Thanks again
  4. @muchen_ Yeah of course, I attached the scores to this reply. Also just a note, I fixed some of the parallel octaves on Minuet 2 like @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu mentioned, so the score is a bit different from the audio in the original post.
  5. I'm definitely late to this, but this is awesome. Great work!
  6. Hey everybody! I'm new to this forum so this is my first post. I am an organist and accordionist and recently started composing my own music because, you know, why not? I enjoy doing it, but have had some trouble recently so I am looking for some advice on how I can improve. I am trying to compose in a baroque style, sort of like my two favorite composers, Bach and Vivaldi. I am trying some "simple" forms currently, like minuets and chorales. They don't sound terrible to my ears, but I know that there is lots of room to improve. The files are attached if you would like to help me out. (thank you!!) My first question is: How can I come up with good ideas (and continue the ideas)? Sometimes when I try to compose I just get nothing and end up deleting my work out of frustration. My second question is: How can I eventually build my way up to compose more complex things? I have tried other forms and some more complex music, but am unable to make anything sound natural. If anyone can help me out with this that would be great. I can't thank the people who do enough. Thanks again everyone!
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