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Fiddeou last won the day on February 13 2024

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1 Follower

About Fiddeou

  • Birthday March 26

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Some wacko composer, or so they say…
  • Gender
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  • Occupation
    Composer, Filmmaker, Student
  • Interests
    Music, Filmmaking, Design, Writing Fiction, Worldbuilding, Gardening
  • Favorite Composers
    Ravel, Lili Boulanger, Holst, John Powell, John Williams, Michael Giacchino, Alexandre Desplat, Frank Zappa, Henri Dutilleux, Francisco G Soler, Heitor Villalobos, Helge Sunde, Joby Talbot, Russ García, Les Baxter, Martin Keary, Luis Laguna… etc
  • My Compositional Styles
    Contemporary, fusion, filmscore, and more! (idk)
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Musescore, Logic Pro
  • Instruments Played
    Drumset, Sticked and Hand Percusson, Saxophone, Recorder, Flute, Didgeridoo?

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  1. Oooh I have a lot. Let me start with a very beautiful one by Michael Giacchino and orchestrator Tim Simonec I especially like the writing of the strings during the pizzicato section, and of course the flute's melody. Ratatouille has excellent music. It's interesting to see how Michael Giacchino had way more creative ideas in his early days
  2. Got this idea the other day at the metro. I might expand it into a fully fledged piece Polyrhythm Trio.mp3 Polyrhythm Trio.pdf
  3. I really wanna score a musical

  4. Ah, you'll love this, then: (It actually starts at sec. 40)
  5. Oh God, It's absolutely mesmerizing
  6. A little while ago, I was commissioned this (extremely) short piece to serve as an intro for a local radio program that talks about the artistic and cultural scene in my state (Veracruz, Mexico) Tras la Cultura.mp3 Tras La Cultura.pdf I am not very proud of the counterpoint in the dorian part, but overall, I liked how it turned out. I hope you like it too 🙂
  7. It's intentional, though I admit it is quite clunky, my lack of expertise on EDM and that stuff meant that I didn't get the effect I wanted
  8. I struggle a lot when trying to compose for solo instrument
  9. A taste of fulgurite.mp3 I made this minute-long composition for a contest in which we had to make a loop for a hypothetical game set in a futuristic wild west (I didn't win, though)

    I'm drafting a new orchestral piece… Let's see if you can figure out what I'm trying to do

    1. PeterthePapercomPoser


      It sounds like you're thickening the orchestral texture with variations of the main motif.

    2. Fiddeou


      Well that's true, but I meant with the piece in general



    Trying my hand at 50s style Chacha

  12. Wohow this is so nice!! I love the way you orchestrated this. And well, it's itself quite a lovely piece.
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