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NicholasG last won the day on July 15 2023

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About NicholasG

  • Birthday 03/29/2009

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I have been helped by my directors and parents to do the best I can! I believe the way to success is trial and error
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  • Interests
    Writing Music, Powerlifting, Band, Preformance
  • Favorite Composers
    Rossano Galante, Brian Balmages, Ludwig Van Beethoven, John Williams, William Owens, Samuel R. Hazo,
  • My Compositional Styles
    Symphony, Overture
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Musescore 4
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Flute

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  1. After working on this for around 7-8 months already, I think I might finally be in the home stretch or even finished with this piece. Once ready I get to direct and conduct this piece infront of an audience (I'm hella excited)
  2. Marching Show.mp3 So Im coming up with ideas for a marching show, I really like this one. What do you guys think?
  3. Thank you so much! Is it possible I can get into contact with you so you can give me a more in depth explanation? The things your talking about I would love to explore further
  4. Hello! I am a 15 year old composer who is looking for work soon. I have been writing since the seventh grade and now I am in 10th. I have been commissioned by my own director to make a piece for our band which I have almost successfully finished, it will be preformed for our spring concert. I start my music major next year and I'm trying to find how to actually make money off of the thing I love so much. If I could please be instructed on how to get commissions and things I need to setup (portfolio, website, etc..) I am willing to invest money into it. Thank you!
  5. Earlier a month or two ago I posted another version of this piece which was fairly unfinished and not ready to be played. Thanks to the communities feedback I believe I have a near finished work. I am ready to publish my first work at just 15 years old! This piece once finished will be preformed by my school and I will be conducting it
  6. Hello! I am writing for my high school symphonic band and I am in dire need of feedback because I havent matured enough as a musician. Please do give all that you can!
  7. @sned I like your suggestion but in the actual piece for the movie, the strings and woodwinds do not stop moving until the next idea. Your right about the oboe thing tho
  8. Recently ive been listening to the How To Train Your Dragon sound track and I wanted to arrange the selection "Test Drive" or orchestra. I have the first ideas in so far, im asking for opinions and what could be improved.
  9. woah this is incredible! Adding this to my playlist for sure. Your voice is incredible
  10. @PeterthePapercomPoser Yea i wasnt sure what to do with the percussion, Im not a good percussion writer lol
  11. @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu Honestly I have 0 Idea why it ended to that key I guess me from a year ago thought it sounded cool. The piece is about the Universes beginning and its fast pace as everything's happening at once going from calm to explosions everywhere.
  12. @MJFOBOE Oh wow ur right
  13. @MJFOBOE I have gotten that a few times and i still have no idea who that is
  14. @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu Yes Of course I can provide the pdf.
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