meh I hardly ever write for an audience. The only time I would write for an audience would be if I was writing for a specific occasion for example the piece I'm working on just now which is to be played in our cathedral for my violin teacher's retiring concert. Obviously then I might have to take the audience into consideration a little since obviously if I composed something evil, dark and violent it might send out the wrong messages about my teacher lol or perhaps even offend some of the more religious people there, although I doubt that very much. Having said that, I would still not write with the audience's taste in mind. They might actually really like a genre but not know that they like it because they haven't experienced it yet or worse; think they have experienced it but haven't. I, like Mitchell, write for myself and only for myself. If you don't like modern music Sauls why don't you challenge yourself and look for one you do like. I thought I didn't like modern music because of a certain piece I heard on the Proms (I think its called crushing twister. Its about an orchestra trying to emulate the sounds of a dj or something) and then I heard other modern pieces and discovered that infact, I really like modern music; I just didn't like that one piece. I would recommend the "Rite of spring" (if you haven't already heard it. It's by Stravinsky) if you think that all pieces require beauty to be effective. In places I thought it was really scary and believe me it carries emotion without being that beautiful (IMO). Its one of my favourite pieces and its truly violent lol. Or if early 20th century isn't modern enough for you listen to some serialism. Some of that is weirdly hypnotic.