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Aw Ke Shen

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Aw Ke Shen last won the day on June 14

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About Aw Ke Shen

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    Government Service ( Finishing Soon : )
  • Interests
    Reading, Writing, Composing
  • Favorite Composers
    Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Grieg, Dvorak, Sibelius, Khachaturian
  • My Compositional Styles
    Romantic, Late Romantic
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  1. Do y'all find this piece to be suited for children for learning music and piano ( even if not for playing ). or as a children theme piece to be played by an adult for nostalgia or to children ), and does it have that swing effect ( not the music form ) for you? This is Childhood Swings from my collection " Children Scenes ". I am trying to create ( even ) simple(r) piece every now and then, which hopefully could be good material for children eventually. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtT8zHevpvs&list=PLxbKe4Vkc02yAVTTbp8AaeuHdJSGutFBp&index=4 https://musescore.com/user/62605720/scores/17728363?from=notification#comment-8513854
  2. I like the vivid imagery of this piece - really goes to show the challenges of taking care of an instrument - and how the physical images for every stanza builds up into something more abstract and conceptual.
  3. this rhymes so well and I like the witty nature and simplicity of it... I have never written a Symphony, but for composing in general, I don't just take out a notepad and could just write from scratch 😂, if it is some theme/ motif, it would be written down and left there for weeks, months... and maybe years ( If I continue composing in the future )... before it could be turned into something worthwhile later on ( though once in while I do manage to complete a piece shortly after composing the main theme(s)/ motif(s). maybe " there are no limits to his imaginations " ? - doesn't rly matter since it doesn't rly change the meaning and for pronouns... I'm not gna say much but it does seem like even till today, the majority of those who compose music are ( still ) ...males ?😅
  4. I also have got two ( as of now ), two Tankas ( Lit: Short Songs ) : 1. A Soloist in a Concerto ( tanka ) amidst the Oceans, a Boat of an instrument alone yet Belonged - virtuosic Voice - One with Universe's Orchestrations... 2. never was ( tanka ) When i die, will i like Chopin, have willed one(s) heart back to home - far... away, long Lost, gone... forever... except - - that it never felt It was. As much as this may seem like shameless promoting, these two are form my Insta poetry account ( come check it out if interested ) : https://www.instagram.com/introspective_outsider?igsh=MXBvdmhlMWJqNGp3ZA== I am quite certain I am gna continue write music-themed/ -related poems and prose, as I write on a whole range of topics.
  5. Noted on this. Yea, not wanting to break from the imitation is what prevented me from having a perfect cadence which was what I had thought about - not just for the end of the piece, but for every part I have heard of this but not gone into it - will find out more about this. Thanks for bringing this up! I think I'm gonna find it useful.
  6. 1) This is my first piece that does not have a pedal at all. It is also another try at composing canon, though I'm still stuck at 2-part canons. it can be roughly categorized in 7 parts: A to G 2) Also, while it does really change key and doesn't really hv a tonal center, the middle part is clearly in C Maj, with some little modulations, and in quite based in F Maj in the repeat section of the part F, so overall I'm not sure whether to consider this a tonal or atonal piece - that wld be another thing. Not a the type to go for atonal music, though I'm open to it. I hope the absence of pedals does not make the piece too dry. Also, nowadays, one way of me ensuring I don't repeat much is to limit the length of my pieces to below 5 mins. So here goes, https://musescore.com/user/62605720/scores/17615176
  7. This is so cool, creative and fun, retaining both styles honestly while weaving into something new altogether! Interesting modulations towards the end!
  8. I feel the same way as well... a very interesting, interactive balance - yet each part is not overblown on its own or when together
  9. Very melancholically beautiful... a sense of hopelessness yet also acceptance, calm and even hope!
  10. The clarinet and piano complements one another very well, whether it is the give and take, question or answer, or use of chords and arpeggios for the piano, or runs in the melodies for the Clarinet. the feeling of general ease is well-balanced with the slightly more mysterious phrases. This works nicely as both as a piece in itself, a background music piece or even a programmatic piece. Have you thought of modulating this to A maj or any other key for contrasts?
  11. Yea... wht a waste - I thought of this not long after posting it in YT. I wanted to insert a part w the same melody in A major : ( damnz...
  12. Sure go ahead! - I don't know how to move this other than deleting this and posting it there : (
  13. ( another ) One of my rare few piano piece that I think ( ? ) is at least fairly Pop-like in nature. What do those of y'all into pop think? Wld y'all like a piece like that? https://musescore.com/user/62605720/scores/16419340
  14. It's been quite some time since I have last posted, have been really busy transitioning from one life stage to the next, so yea, here goes a new piece, " A Spring Calling " of my " The Seasons " Collection - my first piece in 3/8, and I hope it is not too repetitive - just a total of only four minutes plus tht alr include a couple of themes, variations and transitions all squeezed in. ( That said, the single themes and motifs themselves are repetitive ( even wht repetition), but I make sure they repeat much, much lesser than my previous pieces to compensate. ) Any comments appreciated! https://musescore.com/user/62605720/scores/16149598?from=notification#comment-8372710
  15. Just one that allows one to make unlimited Synthesias for free ( from any of one's music files in MIDI and MusicXlm ) with just the most basic functions. I am trying out piano Vfx and its kinda complicated for me. Synthesia free version only give a short preview of ur piece. Anything free, simple ones to recommend?
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