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Aw Ke Shen

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Aw Ke Shen last won the day on June 14 2024

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About Aw Ke Shen

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    Government Service ( Finishing Soon : )
  • Interests
    Reading, Writing, Composing
  • Favorite Composers
    Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Grieg, Dvorak, Sibelius, Khachaturian
  • My Compositional Styles
    Romantic, Late Romantic
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  1. Oh yea, I have two news ones I hv been watching this month ( though they are in mandarin, shld hv translated suubtitles ) : https://www.youtube.com/@laodistoryteller https://www.youtube.com/@sisispiano
  2. I don't have an exact preference, though I'd lean most ( of all the options ) to constructive feedback Voted for these: Any publicity is good publicity, even if negative - this has more to do with algorithm and traffic haha, cos at least it shows there are ppl browsing the content I prefer only constructive critiques. - I think this goes without saying, who ( anyone who is sincere inn composing and making them better ) doesn't want constructive feedback? I'd rather only hear good, positive opinions of my work. - I think same here, go ahead and enjoy the positivity which can help motivate you further as long as it does not become an echo chamber where you do not even hear constructive feedback at all such that you do not improve at all. If nobody leaves any comment then at least it means nobody hated it - well, while this could mean less information for you, less information is not always a bad thing - on your end you do not know how ppl receive your content but with no additional negative information, other than perhaps the absence of comments, people could just be busy and what not and yes ppl may not want to say it in public but need not for insidious reasons, rather than outright roast you. Of course, it can be a subtle sign of the need for improvement to bring about positive comments.
  3. I like the blend of contemporary influence alongside traditional forms and structures here. Relate to how @Luis Hernรกndez described how this Thks for sharing!
  4. unless you want it phrased in a way tht they have to be connected and even then, for the 2 patterns, you could use, for the circled pattern in the rh , " quaver, dotted quaver, semiquaver, quaver " all separated, and for the lh, quaver, the triplet, followed by quaver ."
  5. Yup, though, it is still very much taken from the same prelude haha ๐Ÿ˜… but it's made more differently and hopefully different enough.
  6. I think these are my main takeaways ( among others ) from you two @PeterthePapercomPoser @Awsumerguy here: A memorable melody rather than a or feel it that can be remembered I think I need to be more careful in the future if I were to be at the risk of losing Thanks!
  7. @PeterthePapercomPoser Thanks for pointing this out - especially since this is something I personally am not supposed to be very fond of and ofc wld not want to find in my own works as well, since it seems to strip away the identity of and space for the artist.
  8. I like the mysterious vibes and how the parts interact with and layer upon one another, while maintaining an overall calm and sanctity, befitting of the form and imitated era(s).
  9. @Awsumerguy and oh my, same here, I have been busy with school and only have time to catch up on composing now! hahah!
  10. I like the build-up. I find the rhythm being somewhat unpredictable and a bit " jarring as acceptable here, as representations of underlying emotional currents surfacing. Though I do agree with @Rich that w regard to the lh bass there can be more complex harmony and harmonic progressions, I would even suggest some rhythmic variations. Those parts with dramatic potential can be tapped on to provide contrasts to parts which sounds best when kept simple. These said, I enjoyed your piece. Thanks for posting!
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYuGpA9H0MI https://musescore.com/user/62605720/scores/22077772 It's been quite a while since I have last published a piece which was before my university education started. Now that the first semester has ended ( and the finals for 1st sem ) I have sm time to come back to finalize this piece. Back then, after publishing my 30th piece " Childhood Scenes" I was like I am content with having my 30th out before Uni starts... then I composed my 31th, the Uni started and I was lie this shall wait... and now finally it's out... Hope I have not kept Y'all waiting for too long and Thank You and Please Enjoy ( and give comments if you wna ) ! ( I know, the first impression of this is perhaps a ripoff of Rachmaninoff's Op. 23 No. 5, but if you are willing to, give it a ( chance and ) listen to the end, even if only once. I hope that this piece manages to manage a delicate balance, where it only follows 23/5 in style and form, but not overall narrative and direction ( which hopefully can be heard especially in the middle and end parts ) - though all that said, I still have those self-doubts that this is too similar to Rach's 23/5 haha. If this is plagiarized from that prelude - which I also adore a lot - then I would say this piece is kinda a failure. So if it is unique enough standing by itself, I'm grateful! ) And oh yea, this is my first ever published Prelude hihi : )
  12. Do y'all find this piece to be suited for children for learning music and piano ( even if not for playing ). or as a children theme piece to be played by an adult for nostalgia or to children ), and does it have that swing effect ( not the music form ) for you? This is Childhood Swings from my collection " Children Scenes ". I am trying to create ( even ) simple(r) piece every now and then, which hopefully could be good material for children eventually. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtT8zHevpvs&list=PLxbKe4Vkc02yAVTTbp8AaeuHdJSGutFBp&index=4 https://musescore.com/user/62605720/scores/17728363?from=notification#comment-8513854
  13. I like the vivid imagery of this piece - really goes to show the challenges of taking care of an instrument - and how the physical images for every stanza builds up into something more abstract and conceptual.
  14. this rhymes so well and I like the witty nature and simplicity of it... I have never written a Symphony, but for composing in general, I don't just take out a notepad and could just write from scratch ๐Ÿ˜‚, if it is some theme/ motif, it would be written down and left there for weeks, months... and maybe years ( If I continue composing in the future )... before it could be turned into something worthwhile later on ( though once in while I do manage to complete a piece shortly after composing the main theme(s)/ motif(s). maybe " there are no limits to his imaginations " ? - doesn't rly matter since it doesn't rly change the meaning and for pronouns... I'm not gna say much but it does seem like even till today, the majority of those who compose music are ( still ) ...males ?๐Ÿ˜…
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