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  1. Thanks for your suggestions @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu, @PeterthePapercomPoser! I like your ideas, Henry. I will try them out. You definitely have more experience than me in the organization of a piece. I haven't had any formal training yet lol. I'm sure I was very heavily influenced by Ravel's string quartet, as it is one of my favorite pieces. I even had it as my morning alarm for a while. I've since worked on the balancing for the piece, and thanks for the feedback there.
  2. Thanks for the idea, but i think that Iā€™m satisfied with the content in the piece. Your feedback definitely helped me refine it! I did make this piece with the intention of simplicity, lol. Glad you enjoyed it!
  3. Alright, here's another one of my compositions. This one is more of a WIP. It is the first movement of a string quartet that I have been working on for a while. The main theme is bright and bouncy, then the second theme comes soaring in on the viola and then the cello. Feel free to leave any feedback/constructive criticism below, no matter what it is. There aren't any bowings and the score isn't pretty, and it won't be until I have finished with the actual notes. Also I am aware that musescore's playback here is pretty inconsistent, but if you have any feedback about dynamics and such, let me know! I think that I will probably make it longer. 3 minutes is too short for a first movement, and there is a lot of potential material to add where the main theme return in major. Edit: For some reason, the viola is really soft in musescore. That explains the occasional fortissimo in the viola part so that it sounds at least as load a mezzo piano in the violin. Musescore needs to respect the viola more... šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤ However, it can be helped by adjusting the levels in the mixer. BTW I just wanted to say that with only being here for 2 days, I really love this community and can relate to it a lot. Thank you guys! StringQuartetinDMinor.pdf StringQuartetinDMinor - Copy (2).mp3
  4. Wow, that's very interesting! Thanks for the idea of adding improv style piano to the piece. I updated the score and mp3. Let me know what you think! I hope that they blend well with the music, because I kinda just inserted them into the middle of it.
  5. Hey Peter, thanks for reviewing the piece. Yes, its a fun game to play, but I must confess, it doesn't always work out as good as what I've shared. These are the rules: 1. Spin a wheel to determine how many instruments to write for. https://wheelofnames.com/2kq-y9a 2. Spin the wheel of instruments to determine which instruments to write for. Spin once for each instrument until you have as many as you were allocated in step 1. If you get the same instrument twice, you can spin again for another instrument. https://wheelofnames.com/pfa-smc 3. (optional) Spin a wheel to get a time signature. (this wheel is pretty fun) https://wheelofnames.com/v3e-5yt 4. (optional) Spin a wheel to determine whether to write in major or minor! https://wheelofnames.com/q2s-t7w 5. Go and write the piece (you don't have to finish it if the combination if sounds like Karlheinz Stockhausen (with all due respect to Stockhausen)) This game is quite obviously in a beta stage, but I would be happy to collaborate to polish it up. I think that it might even have potential here as a competition (provided that enough people here use musescore), but I shouldn't get ahead of myself. The most obvious problem is that the wheel of instruments is not weighted, meaning that you are just as likely to get a finger snap sound as a violin. Also the list of instruments isn't extensive, and it should also be refined. Probably the worst combination I have gotten was Clarinet, Tubular bells, Timpani, and Tambourine. To make thing worse, the time signature I got was 16/2. Needless to say, I have since revised the time signature wheel. I turned the whole thing into some sort of sacred, oriental ritual dance. If you are interested in playing the game, let me know! I usually play it with my sister, where we take 30 minutes (which usually exaggerate into an hour) and then compare our results at the end. Thank you for the welcome!
  6. Wow. I've always had a respect for movie composers and how much they do to create a mood from a scene. Thank you for the complement! Good point on Fur Elise. I realize that I need to make simpler compositions in general. That's a very good observation about the flute part. I will take note of that. Thank you for your feedback!
  7. Wow, thanks guys! I appreciate the feedback, Henry! I moved the violin part. What do you mean by improvisatory passages? Do I just leave blank measures in the piano part? I am a pianist myself, and the idea tickles my brain. Thanks for the welcome, I am glad to be here!
  8. Aaayyy, lets gooooo! Welcome to the club
  9. Yes, Poulenc is definitely worth checking into if you aren't familiar with him! May I recommend one of his piano concertos: and also his cello sonata: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=-ImBojYDiyU&list=OLAK5uy_nMh7q0UNFwT2s6UDE-idgMjMCpXHxiOWk They are excellent works, he is quite an underrated impressionistic composer.
  10. This is lovely. Great writing for the harp. The piece is reminded me of Poulenc's Mouvements perpetuels, with its unpredictable, sudden, yet pleasant changes in mood. Poulenc's Mouvements perpetuels https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=J013U_DsHLM&list=OLAK5uy_nMh7q0UNFwT2s6UDE-idgMjMCpXHxiOWk
  11. Would it be possible to post the sheet music? I find it rather hard to follow with just the audio. Perhaps the sensation of dryness comes from the instrumentation you are using. Or more likely, the sounds. What are you trying to make? Where are you planning to go with it? These are just some questions I have. Other than that, there is an idea in there, so keep refining it. That's how all music starts.
  12. Beautiful! I couldn't help but smile to hearing Beethoven's style. I really respect those who can replicate those old classical ideas. Beautifully played as well, my congratulations to you!
  13. Thank you for the warm welcome and the feedback! I hadn't noticed that the bass was darkening the mood, but I think I see what you mean. I'll try using a different sound for the bass, something that is a bit cleaner. Posting with mp3s is a lot easier, thanks for letting me know. I edited the post with an mp3 of the piece, but this time it uses the MS basic acoustic bass sound.
  14. Hello everyone, I'm new here. I stumbled on this amazing website today and I am excited to become a part of it. Normally I write classical music or religious arrangements, but the piece I attached below is a bit different. It is a result of a game I was playing with my sister, who is also a amateur composer, where we spun a wheel with every instrument on musescore. I got the combination of Flute, Violin, Piano, Contrabass, and Drumset. I made a lighthearted catchy piece that has hints of lofi and sounds like some sort of background music. I intentionally made it simple, something that I struggle with my normal compositions. Any feedback is appreciated! https://musescore.com/user/58186651/scores/13774444
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