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Ghashes Tromp

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About Ghashes Tromp

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  1. Hello @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu, I want to express my sincere gratitude for taking the time to listen to my composition and offering such detailed feedback. Your insights into the harmonic language, transitions, and various technical aspects are incredibly valuable. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the youthful energy and recognized the Beethovenian influences throughout the piece. Your suggestions for smoother transitions, voice leading, and enharmonic spellings are duly noted. I won't be revisiting this particular piece due to other compositions to work on at the moment and busy most of the time, but I'll definitely take these notes to heart for my future compositions that's a promise. I will post other compositions of mine that I have made already, so the public can see more of what I offer. Your constructive feedback is exactly what I need to grow as a composer, and I truly appreciate your encouragement. I'm excited about the prospect of incorporating these insights into my upcoming works. Thank you once again for your thoughtful critique, and I'm looking forward to sharing more of my compositions with this wonderful community.
  2. Hello Everyone! I'm Emile, I'm 18 years old and I'm from a little island called Aruba in the Caribbean. I'm really passionate about Music, I'm a Classical/Romantic Composer/Pianist and started to compose when I was 12 and started with the piano at 14(able to play late Beethoven sonatas). And I've started to try my best to be known out there currently working on a piano concerto in f minor, string quartets and I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and getting involved in the great things happening here on this forun. This is the 12 variations on a theme in C major. But this is the 11th Variation! this is my first Toccata and First Fugue! this toccata took me several weeks and i was inspired by the intro of his Choral Fantasy when i first listened to it! and i decided to dedicate this to Beethoven because I finish the piece a day before his birthday. Dedicated to (Departed) Ludwig van Beethoven, Birthday of the Year 2023 P.S - The 3 voice fugue is not in strict form it's a wander/sonata form 12 Variations and Nocturne for Viola and Piano on a theme in C Major.mid
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