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Mason M

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  1. This is a beautiful piece. What a journey! I especially love the a tempo at measure 20 and the resolution in the last measure. Are you playing in the recording?
  2. Hi @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu, I'm not sure why I didn't include it but here you go! In this one I tried to follow sonata form. Thank you! I'm still a little bit confused about the enharmonics so I'm going to do some analysis to figure out exactly what I wrote. I could definitely play more with the triplet figure! The idea was to have some sort of announcement of the third movement's arrival. Thanks again! Of all of them, I find myself listening back to the third movement the most. To be honest, I forgot slurs existed before @Thatguy v2.0 pointed out their absence! I've since added them to all of the movements. Attached is an updated score for the finale. I was afraid of the fugato from the moment I started it and found a quick exit haha. Do you have any pointers as far as developing it further?
  3. Hi! I love the variation you've accomplished here with only a few chords and the video fits quite well with it. Which came first, the music or the video?
  4. Hauntingly beautiful work! I found myself engaged throughout and the ending is perfect. Thanks for sharing!
  5. Thanks! I have a little bit of theory background from a college course and I'm looking to build a portfolio to go back to school. I'm familiar with the scales from playing piano, however not as familiar as I'd like to be. This makes a lot of sense. I was more focused on writing sounds I found interesting than the chords I was constructing. Are there any clashes that stick out to you? This video is fantastic! Thank you @chopin! I am left wondering how many notes and how far an interval string players can accomplish in a single bowstroke. I'm also curious what you make of the third movement. That one is intentionally staccato overall and a little bit more contrapuntal. Thanks again!
  6. Here is the updated audio as well
  7. Hi thank you for the response! As far as enharmonics - for some reason I thought the direction of the line, whether ascending or descending, determined which accidental to use. Could you clear this up for me? I think for this movement, I am attached to the violin having the melody and the block chords behind it - for now at least! I was very hesitant to add slurs and phrase markings because I don't play any string instruments myself but I've given it a shot in this updated score. Do these markings make sense? I'll get on that with being active on the forum! Thank you!
  8. Here are the scores
  9. Hi all, I have recently tried composing a string quartet and would appreciate any feedback on the slower second movement of the piece as well as the finale. I worry that they are too repetitive and I'm looking to develop them further. Also if someone could tell me how, I will upload pdfs of the score. Thanks!
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