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About Harpsong

  • Birthday 06/24/1985

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    Behind the keyboard
  • Occupation
    Impoverished student

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  1. Thanks again, Manossq. Like I said on the other thread, I definately will sign up for lessons here, but I need to get the uni exams and essays out the way first. :D
  2. Ooh, thanks for the link! Yeah, I think I will sign up - but like I say, not until my exams and everything are out the way first. Oh, I can't remember it off hand now. I came across it when going through one of my books. I'll try and find it again for you, but not sure where I read it.
  3. Thanks, Manossq, I'll definately peruse those threads thoroughly. Heh - yes, there's a similar saying in OE (Old English - Anglo Saxon).
  4. OK, thanks for all the tips. I'll probably put this on the back burner for now, study up on my theory for a bit, and try to put what I learn into practice with it. At the moment I'm coming up to exam week, so it's going to be difficult to do anything, and then my strength will be sapped by the Script Frenzy month, but after that I should be free to study. Argh, I'm doing too much again! *Looks up at the pile of music theory books, screenplay drafts, uni books, anglo-saxon textbooks, digital art how-to books and card-making magazines that threatens to topple over and squish her...*
  5. 1.) I've just discovered the graphical export feature! *grins insanely* I'll edit my original post and put it up there. 3.) That's yet more theory I'm going to have to learn, isn't it? 4.) Ah, that's what you mean. Sorry. Yeah, I understand what you mean by that now - I've always had a problem with endings. Heh. I need to study how other people end their pieces, and see if I can apply similar techniques to mine. More theory, again. 5.) *Whimper* Yessir!
  6. Especially now I realise just how far I have to go. However, here's the melody that was knocking around my head all evening. And I've discovered HA's 'Graphical Export' button, so I don't need to upload MUS files that no-one can open anymore! Anyway, this will probably show my lack of training yet again. I am working on that, honest. I did, however, start with an actual melody this time! However, I still suck at writing accomps. I know the horn's melody is a little boring - I plan on going back and just changing that a little. I await the pile of constructive crits.... Rauros Falls.mid
  7. Hmm. I think the summer holidays will have to be devoted to that. And what little money I have left over from uni will go towards theory books. *sigh* Life's a never-ending circle of study, isn't it?
  8. As I commented on the other thread, I simply have no space or RAM available on my computer to download yet another program to transpose the file to and resave for finale users, when HA is a free download and can easilyopen those files. Sorry about that. As the answer to your questions - Nope. I have no musical training whatsoever (save the few piano lessons I took when I was about ten.) Strings - hmm. Maybe if I changed it from slow strings to synth strings, that might work. That's often a problem with using slow strings. I also didn't have a set melody in mind, so perhaps I ought to work on that first. You hear two flutes? OK, how did that work? Rolifer - yip, it's exactly like you say. I hadn't found a melody to work with, I think that was the major killer. OK, thanks for all your advice, I'm not giving up on this one. :blush:
  9. 1) I know, I've had a few people comment on that, and like I said above, I use Harmony Assistant. It's not worth me trying to download and install yet another computer on my already-dying laptop, but HA is a free download, should you wish to look at that score. 2.)Thanks -er..yeah. Slight copy/paste syndrome there. 3.)Not quite sure what you mean by that...I'm still learning about harmonies, to be honest. 4.) Like I said, endings are not my strong point. Especially using HA, where I can only edit the notes to last for so long, not fade out like they would with real instruments. 5.) No, but they would sure help! (I find the better the equipment I am given to work with, the more inclined I am to spend more time and effort on a piece. ) One thing I should have made clear is that although I said I did this track 'recently', it was actually done some point last year. I have (I hope) improved a little since then. I've certaintly got away from the copy/paste syndrome.
  10. Thanks for the feedback, Caltech! Yes, this is a finished piece. I always seem to have problems ending a piece, I don't know why.
  11. I think you need to cut from measure one to the end. *Nods* *Runs away from the drum about to be smashed over her head* I'm sorry, I could NOT resist that after you'd said it. *ahem* Seriously, though, I can't think of anything I'd cut out of that. It's brilliant. The only thing I'd perhaps change would be the ending - it seems a bit sudden. Apart from that, you're flying high.
  12. Now it's my turn to not be able to open the file.....any chance you could upload the midi?
  13. Well, personally I think it's clear enough....to people who read the descriptions of the forum, at any rate. I think Mark's suggestion is all you can do, bar setting up an infraction system with the mods. (I know it's more of a pain, but it works well for another non-music forum which I help mod.) Basically, it runs on a three-points-and-you're-out basis. The first infraction of the rules warants a mod to step in move/change/edit the post and send a warning PM to the infractor, with a link to the rules. The second infraction warrants the same action, but the addition of a 'final warning' PM. The third and last time it happens, the user is suspended for a certain abount of time (or banned, depending on the seriousness of the infraction).
  14. *Giggles* Oh good, someone else with that pet peeve.
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