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Louis dB

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About Louis dB

  • Birthday 04/21/1996

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Born in 1996
    Completely self taught
    Wanna be a media composer(video game and anime) but also create great pieces in older styles like Baroque
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Sound manager
  • Interests
    Music music and music but i love a lot insects to^^
  • Favorite Composers
    Goats:Bach,Handel,Zelenka,Mozart,Beethoven,Stravinsky,Debussy,Ravel,Kevin Penkin,Yu peng chen,Joe hisaishi,Vincent Diamente,Christopher Larkin,Yuji Nomi,Hirano
  • My Compositional Styles
    A mix between all the composers cited above. love mixing electronics with acoustics
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Logic pro and musescore
  • Instruments Played

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  1. I have a lot of goal about composition: -learn "styles" of writing Aka baroque galant Debussy atonal pendiatonism and contemporary. -being able to write a major work(a symphonie, requiem or a free form long pièce) -maybe trying to expand some research about music effect in medecine or extrapolate about a new way to think music.
  2. well ty henry for your review, musescore is strange indeed. the reason you tell to change the notation is because thoses arent supposed yo be written like that in that key signature?
  3. its like musescore is doing the dynamic job by itself, really strange.
  4. So i m working on a little quartet piece and i feel like the bass line got a harsh treatment since i had no clues how to make her moove in a better way (boring writing). maybe i should study more^^. I have also some dynamics problems with musescore4 so i did not any dynamics notations except few ones for being able to hear the voices.
  5. concerto grosso no1.mp3 concerto grosso no1.pdf I need somebody to check somes counterpoint rules and to help me to work on the maybe strucure or harmony?
  6. well an other version
  7. Beautiful motet and exellent counterpoint 🙂
  8. Lullaby.mp3 had this theme in my head from yesterday and decided to write down this afternoon i kept the same chords prog and add a little variations somewhere tried to link and blend acoustic and electronic instruments
  9. my singing abilities sucks btw
  10. Well ty for your advice! Diving in quartet scores is something i should definitely do. However if choose that orchestration its not to kill it 🙂 I wont remove vocals because they are "not needed" in my pieces. I do have a daw but no money to buy good samples so its hard too setup an good audio library.
  11. Just daily improvisation, Love that quartal harmony
  12. Finished that piece while struggling to write for strings, any advices are good to hear.
  13. oh hi fiddeou its been a while we havent got a chat on discord! like 3 years !! nice to see that your still composing 🙂 and gorgeous piece by the way, the stretching effect is really cool
  14. I was thinking about démon god^^
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