Scherzo giocoso placed first in the upper division of the Arden and Harry Fisher Young Composers Competition in 2007. I have included the original program notes for your benefit:Scherzo giocoso is in simple ABA form. The first theme is in 5/8 time, played by the two violins in thirds, with pizzicato in the cello and harmonic interest in the viola. Following a brief transition, a subordinate theme appears, alternating between 3 + 2 and 2 + 3 meters. The first theme briefly returns before merging into the lyrical middle section, in 3/4 time. This melody is first played by the 1st violin above block harmony, and later by the cello beneath running eighths and pizzicati in the upper strings. A turbulent transition follows, resulting in a brief climax before the return of the first theme. At the end of the recapitulation, a transformed first theme appears in 4/4, and the piece concludes in a rapid coda and the final pizzicato chords. Scherzo giocoso is dedicated to my late friend, Randy Cook, for his unfailing sense of humor.Thanks for listening!
Scherzo giocoso