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General Pokopo

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About General Pokopo

  • Birthday 07/22/1992

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    Stargard, Poland
  • Favorite Composers
    Boards of canda, Hugo Kant, Gramaatik, Neroche
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  1. Thx Man. Im taking notes. πŸ˜ƒ
  2. Hello. I wanted to compose something that is fun and easy to make and came up with this one. Not super happy about the outcome, but i wanted to share it anyway πŸ˜„
  3. I added some bass for a fragment do you think it works better now? I also made second version but bass didnt fit everything else soo i replaced everything with same thing as bass πŸ˜„ I thought this one is done but im gonna work on this some more. Thanks for good advices πŸ™‚
  4. Thanks for answering. Soo are you saying percusion is too much or other elements are laking, or both?( i need to read in CAPITAL LETTERS to understand, sorry πŸ˜„) i was hoping to achive some sort of progression with percussion and i kkept adding stuff. Well, maybbe i should reduce instead. As they say sometimes less is more πŸ˜„ have a nice day!
  5. Hello. I made tropical themed song, well kind of. At the beginning i was thinging exotic tropical island, but then i had different ideas and tropical theme fades away πŸ™‚ , but i hope i was able to preserve some level of cohesion. Other than that im still trying to learn how to develop chords ( actually i very rarely use chords. more often i use bunches of single notes. ) and overally make my compositions less one dimensional, soo let me know how i did about that. πŸ˜„ All critical opinos welcomed Have a good day!
  6. Hello my friend. I have to admit that istening to your songs made me really sad, not quite my cup of tea, but if you are going for this direction your on the right tracks πŸ˜„ But maybe you could consider adding a little bit happier songs. I mean, come on, give me some hope man πŸ˜„ Maybe you could do day parts less melancholic soo you would have clearer division between day and night. And my favourite is monotone just like you, its sad but peacefull and relaxing. very nice I havent played adventure game in years soo i think ill check your game out when you finish Have a nice day and good luck!
  7. Hello guys, i'v made string based piece. I tried to focus on adding some variety to beat, and harmony (but coutiously) so it wouldnt sound very boring. I'm not 100% confident with second part maybe its too rushed and could be longer Also the melody from first part never comes back. Should it come back at some point? Let me know. πŸ˜„ This also contains kind of epilogue at the end, not sure if it fit the rest. As always i welcome your critical opinion and advice how to improve. Have a good day! πŸ˜„
  8. Hello my friend. I was thinking of piano parts and the repeating whistlikng sound as main motiff for this one,but maybe its more like background noise πŸ˜„. The other instruments definetly were not improvisations😒 i wonder why the sounded like that, is it because they are not repeating and arent placed in correct order? And for changes in tempo and harmony i want to deffinetly work on this in the future because its my biggest weakness i feel. Have a good day πŸ™‚
  9. I reaaally liked the chill vibe of song that starts around 1:10 very relaxing for me. Also i can say i personally too dont finish 90% of songs i start soo we have that in common πŸ˜„
  10. So i wanted to make happy chill song and i came up with this. Might still need some chamges but i' mot sure. What do you guys think? Hey i just reaalised i can link youtube lolπŸ˜… edit: i'v made some small changes to couple of fragments that were pissing me off πŸ˜„
  11. Hello my friend! As a person that dont know what he is talking about i can say all your compositions sound really good! are they fragments of full songs? if they are i hope you post them so i could listen. πŸ™‚ I cant give you any tips, because i dont know much about music, but surley other smarter people here will give you some pointers. All i can say is keep the good work.😁
  12. Ah i now understand what you mean. Thanks for good adviceπŸ˜‰
  13. Thanks for kind review bro πŸ™‚ sax56h.mp3 edit: heree should be music fragment but i dont know howw to place it higher so its on bottom XD Would this be example of contrasting section? or you mean something different? I guess it could use some changes since its loopy, but i wanted to keep it simple to have anchor that i can build upon and dont float away too much. Well, the ending is actually my favourite part πŸ™‚ and i wanted it that way. I lied the idea but i was struggling with it and couldnt quite make it righ. And sadly i cant play any instrument πŸ˜ͺBut i'm planning to buy keyboard :D Have a nice day πŸ™‚
  14. Hello guys. I Made a saxophone based piece. Its a little rough araund the edges and probably contains some unnecessery notes, but i consider it finished πŸ˜„ I also made piano version which is shorter and simpler, but i feel like it has less mistakes. Considering it has same percussion line and very similar bass line it turned out to be quite different.
  15. Thanks for kind words guys! As for mentioned lack of development. I indeed feel like its occuring problem for me. When i try to forther develop a track it becomes too chaotic and sometimes it doesnt sound like continuation of a song but whole different piece. I just dont know how to do it properly. So until i figure it out i decided to stick to simpler repeating form. I shall look into music theory you mentioned Thatguy. Maybe there, ill find the answer how to crack this nut😁. Also im not sure if i understand term sample correctly. if sample means not single sound but premade bunch of sounds put together as one then i never used it. Feels like cheating for meπŸ˜‰ It's funny Guardian that you mentioned video games, because if one day i will be blessed by hearing my music in a game, that would be like dream come true for me, soo after all maybe im doing something right😁 And for the influences, there is alot of things but i guess 5 of the biggest would be: rock/metal, various folk music from around the world, electronic music(Hugo Kant, Neroche and soo on) rock/country(bridge city sinners, builders and the butchers etc) and video games/movie/orchestral (Two steps from hell, E.S posthumus etc) Wish you all good day.
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