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About kaiyunmusic

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  1. Hi @PeterthePapercomPoser! Thank you for your feedback! Are there any tricks to help determine which time signature to use? It wasn't obvious to me when I was notating it. I picked 4/4 because of the way the melody seemed to flow when I play it. Thanks in advance Kaiyun
  2. Hello, This is a piano piece I finished recently for Valentines last month. I hope you enjoy! Kaiyun
  3. Thanks!! I'm glad you liked it! I want to compose more this year 😄
  4. Hi everyone, this is a rather simple piece. I hope you enjoy ~
  5. hi @PeterthePapercomPoserand @Henry Ng Tsz Kiu thank you for the kind comments!! I agree with both of you - ritardando, tonal, relaxing cafe, looping melodies are what I have in mind. I'm glad the same ideas and feelings come across! it's really nice to get feedback on this forum for improvement and a small confidence boost 🚀 I'm going to keep up with making more sketches, and pick a few of the best ones to share and develop !!
  6. hi, I've been working on a simple jazzy tune. Looking for feedback and tips on how to end this piece. I am so close to finishing but can't find the right ending as usual... 🙂 I am thinking to repeat the beginning melody with a slight variation and hopefully land on an ending I like? Thanks in advance!
  7. @PeterthePapercomPoser and @Thatguy v2.0 Thanks I appreciate the genuine feedback! You both hit the spot. I am writing short piano sketches as practice, and am treating them as a "piano diary" 🙂 If I stumble across a melody I really like, then I make more efforts to complete it. It's easy for me to start a new melody, but for some reason it's so difficult to build upon and finish. I don't know why, I always get stuck after a few measures.. My goal is to practice improvising weekly to get better at composing, then hopefully make sheet music and full videos 🙂
  8. Hi, I'm new to posting music here and online.. and only used Musescore in the past. Please let me know if you any suggestions on composing, recording, finding your audience, any constructive feedback 🙂 I think the genre is new age or soundtrack? I like Yiruma, Studio Ghibli and Korean OSTs. Currently I'm trying to find my own style. What do you think? My channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kaiyunmusic/shorts
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