Hi! Ive composed a 3 voice fugue. While in the process of recording it, one of my fellow musicians asked me to do an arrangement of it to be played with a string ensamble.
I would love to do it, but I struggle to imagine how would that go, since as you know, strings ensambles tipically have violins 1, violins 2, violas, cellos and contrabass, wich make up 5 voices. Even if cellos and contrabass both play bass part, its still 4 voices, and the piece only has 3.
Can you think of any ways to get around this? Do you know of any examples of works that already did somehting similar?
Theres always the option of re-writing it into a 4 voice fugue, but I would like to modify it as little as possible. Any thoughts? thanks in advanced!