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blm22 last won the day on January 6 2010

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About blm22

  • Birthday 01/09/1992

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Im a tubist and a composer, I go to Paul G. Blazer High school, I love writing music.
  • Location
    Ashland, Ky
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Music, Band, and Tuba.

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  1. blm22


    So YC won't let me upload my score.
  2. blm22


    A short Piece for String Orchestra. Prelude
  3. A brand new piece, yay's, i've been dishing them out quicker :) Sonata in A Minor
  4. I haven't had much time to set up a score and stuff, so here's the recording. Romance et Serenade
  5. I'll be uploading the score soon, but tell me what you think about my writing, this piece was just a random one, ive only worked a couple days on it Elegy In D Minor
  6. Fantasy of emotions, anguish, pain, love, and fear are the main feelings placed into this piece Fantasy for Concert Band
  7. Thank you everyone, well what im trying to do with small orchestration, is when the brass come in blairing at forte its supposed to be instant and big
  8. Its Finished :) A Symphonic Overture
  9. Very brilliant work, I love the harmonies and textures, I'd really love to see score if available?, but still this sounds amazing, reminds me of movie work kudos
  10. First Question, How long have you been composing, and how old are you?(if you dont mind me asking), so the begining seems a bit random to me, and the Flute solo at mm.55 needs to be brought out if you want it heard. I do like some of the rhythm's you have here, but the quarter-eighth melodies get kinda boring, but I can see some call and response, id like to hear some of your future works.
  11. Haha thnx for the comments
  12. I wrote this piece for my girlfriend who is a flute player, hopefully she can get it recorded Walking Through A Dark Cavern
  13. Could Someone Give Me A MUS file of the following instrumentation that will work on Finale 2008 Printmusic Piccolo Flute Oboe English Horn 3 Bb Clarinets 1 Eb alto Clarinet Bass Clarinet Eb Contra-Alto Clarinet Bassoon Contra-Bassoon Soprano Sax 2 Alto Sax's Tenor Sax Bari Sax 2 French Horns 3 Cornets 3 Bb Trumpets 3 Trombones Bass Trombone Tuba Snare Bass Drum Tympani Marimba Bells Vibraphone Cymbals Percussion Thank You in advance :)
  14. Ive had this piece stored away for a month or so, but I just recently got to work on it, I hope you enjoy it. Antiphonal Suite for Woodwind Choir
  15. Irving Berlin Lionel Bart Jerry Herman Anthony Newly Adolph Green Danny Elfman
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