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About Ivan1791

  • Birthday 05/25/2000

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  • Biography
    Just a guy trying to find himself...
  • Gender
  • Location
    València, Spain
  • Interests
    Philosophy, nature, sciences, art, history, languages, etc.
  • Favorite Composers
    Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Brahms, Scriabin, Ravel, Wagner, Strauss, Tallis, Berg, Rachmaninoff, Medtner, Kapustin, etc.
  • My Compositional Styles
    Pretty much any
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  1. Thank you very much Henry! Yes, I also think this is a step up from the original, but I think my current best piece is the choral one I composed a few months ago. Oh, the original also ended with a hollow sonority. I wanted it to have a very hard and Straussian color haha. I'll be sharing more in the future! See you next time. 🙂
  2. Hello again. Here I am again with another orchestral adaptation. Let me know what you think and what stuff you would change related to the orchestral notation, doublings and instrument ranges. Thanks for listening! 🙂
  3. I like the gothic ambience. I feel like the harmony is a bit stagnant at some points and I think this piece will benefit a lot from having more clear phrases, each one with a very clear structural function. The climax is pretty epic too and the effects nicely executed. So basically playing around with more harmonic variety and polishing the range of your melodies.
  4. Thank you! And you are right, I will keep it in mind for next time. 🙂
  5. Hello everyone, this is my first time orchestrating a piano piece of mine and I wanted to go for an epic Straussian orchestration. Feel free to spot any mistakes or give me any advice, I'm still quite new to the world of orchestral music. 🙂 It took around 6 hours to orchestrate and I used basic knowledge, the Musescore playback and my intuition. The original piece was done at a very important time of my life and it symbolizes looking at he horizont of the dark past and remembering one last time before moving on. But feel free to let me know what it made you feel or imagine. 😁
  6. Thank you! I'm glad you liked the piece. Yes, I think I did that, but I can't control how fast the arpeggios are played I think. So maybe that's why it doesn't sound as natural or realistis. But I hope I can get the piece performed. With themes you mean melodies that are recognizeable? Yes, this piece lacks a memorable melody. I wanted to give texture and micro motifs a bigger role and build the whole piece with that alone. That's one of the reasons why it sounds quite different from my previous compositions. I will probably write a few more pieces like this one and create a small set. Of violin and piano miniatures.
  7. Thank you very much! Yes, it is a nice way to start this new account. I feel the same way! The noise tone of the harmonics gives it a chill windy feeling. I agree, I will extend that dark section a bit so the return to A' feels more luminous. Thank you for the feedback man! I'll try to be more active next month and hopefully help revive this community. Yes, that piece by debussy inspired some of the sonorities of this piece. 🙂 The double glissandos with harmonics should be possible, although the bowing might be very challenging. However the glissando in direct motion that leads to a perfect 5th should be impossible and the violinist should try to simply fake it as better as they can. It's a very difficult piece for the violin anyways, so I don't know if it will be performed anytime soon. Also the piano part is very weird and many pianists would find it annoying I believe.
  8. What better way to announce my new YC account than with my latest composition? This little piece took me around 10 hours of work and I consider it has the most luminous climax I ever composed and one of the most intoxicating endings I have seen for violin and piano duo. I make use of a completely new vocabulary that I never used before or not in such a structured way. Let me know your thoughts. I personally thing the fragment between measures 20-25 could be improved, but I'm not sure how.
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