Hi, first, I don't know if this is allow, sorry if it is not.
Anyway, I am part of a game development team, developing a game called "Pokemon 3D v3."
The team is currently in needs for music composers. Therefore, if you are interested, post here or email me at billwaahau@gmail.com with following:
-Name (username or real name, whatever you go by :laugh: ) :
-Age (don't have to give if you don't want to, we just try to know our team members better :whistling: ):
-Have MSN or no (if yes, please provide MSN email):
-Music Composing Software:
-Music Composing Style:
-An example of your work.
PS, here's a screenshot of the level from the modeler (me, lol), just in case if you are wondering if this worth your time.