Thank you Guinness and Songjun. :)
- I'm not so good at percussion ... erm ... I suck at percussion, but I'll try it.
- I'll run some reverbs or something like that on the whale moan and see what comes out.
- I wanted to keep this piece really simple with only a few instruments, but it kinda got outta hand and I just made it a orchestral/synthesizer song. It was a little scary though, 'cause it's the first time I tried something orchestral. Guess it didn't turn out to be that bad after all.
- One whole long mind breaking day for the first part (first one posted).:)
Then I had a weird attack of no idea's what so ever (three days ... I think). And then +/- 3 hours for the new version.
Did I use EWQL?
- No. To be honest I just googled it to have a better idea of what that actually is. :o