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Globutron last won the day on July 11 2012

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About Globutron

  • Birthday 06/09/1987

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    Student bum
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  1. Very Genesis-ish. Nice stage idea, could probably do a bit more with the specifics. Once the instructions you say are done... they just...stand? I suppose it depends on how long the piece is. Look at this, I actually commented on something on this rotting site.
  2. It seems to lack serious structure.
  3. It seems to lack serious structure.
  4. Dear god YES! (double post)
  5. Your first paragraph is a more academic form of what Nate stated about it, funnily enough. The bass (though not strictly alberti, per se) was just to vary the pitch a little. It is quite clear that it would be much better if there was a much less bombastic introduction, but since I don't actually play the piano - yet - It's all I could think of on a whim. I was admittedly interested in developing it, but I feel since it literally took 5 minutes of my time, I could just as easily do it again, a better job with some better layers and a lot more variety. It's not quite an extemporisation because as I mentioned (I think, I don't remember where), there was a slight plan involved. A mood and such, and I did have a natural inclination as to where to follow through, whether it be good or not. And since it isn't *literally* random, I think Improvise is an entirely apt word. Thanks for the input though, despite the trollish nature. (me not you)
  6. Couldn't have said it better myself, Jawoodruff. Quite a few people were convinced by the time it has taken, but others have said it does seem random - when I have given the option 'Long work of mastery or guesswork'. Still the responses here were enlightening. Ian - Yeah The timbre with multiple layerings was a deliberate ploy to make it sounds a little more well established than it actually was. Not a bad observation. I do actually like it myself though, really. Quite likely for the explanation given my Jaw above. And probably because My level of familiarity with the keyboard gave me an unconscious bias towards certain notes, phrases and voice leadings etc that suit my tastes. It certainly wasn't a conscious effort.
  7. Thanks a lot, but... It's time to let you all know that this was a little experiment. The piece was actually randomly 'improvised' - Literally button bashing, actually - with nothing but a vague aim in direction of mood. I was not going for a tragic, sad car crash episode, I was going for more fragile beauty. It was a wonder to see if I could pass it as hard work and much time, as a well thought-out modern composition, and to see if people would appreciate it as such. This goes towards the ongoing argument that modern classical is just random experimental noise, and that fans of it just appreciate it to back up their pretentious opinions. Of course that's not what I think, I spend 70% of my listening time in the modern era of classical. But it's interesting nonetheless. As for instrumentation - It's a single sound in the software 'Omnisphere'. The higher pitches seem to sound significantly different to the lower register, but that is simply the nature of the layered sounds. Of course, now you know, you should understand there is no score...
  8. No, you're getting confused with Nirvana69. Just Nirvana.
  9. Possibly because I didn't upload a score. Thanks for the comments so far guys. Nirvana wasn't just a user on here but a great friend of mine. We were practically one of the same and the world is a different place without him, even though I never met him. He had a vast potential above all of us amateurs here on YC which sadly will not be seen to. As for the piece, It's less a focus on death - in fact it's not even related to his death - The sad feeling is to do with the developing progression of his life into prosperity, yet his unavoidable apathy towards the process inevitably slows him down, as he spirals into obscurity - Nirvana's Life to a T, really.
  10. I've been working on this for about 17 months, It's a tribute to Nirvana (the user, not the band) who died in a horrible car accident last week.The piece revolves around a repeated A and A# motif. That's about it. NOT atonal. Jeeze.
  11. 1) i don't intend to improve this piece, it has been written, numbered, and that's that, i am not changing a note - Mistake. The following analysis will tell you why - It's a crock of urine. Everything that 'Nirvana' said was right, and I think Nirvana is the worst musician I've ever known. If anything he writes anti-music. Some strange morphing wave that turns your ears inside out so you're actually 'unhearing' things, this forgetting pieces you once heard time ago.
  12. I find the smoke a bit.. what? It looks cool but I don't get why it's there. I like things to be there for a reason. Though if nobody else is concerned with that then w/e. Not that I'm even concerned, I don't give a damn. ... *takes leave*
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