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About sakvaka

  • Birthday 03/17/1993

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  1. Very good piece, though it sounds more like Alkan than Chopin to me.
  2. Good that you liked it (: And the sheet music: hand-written version by me.
  3. My father composed this inventio in the 80's. Tonight I asked him if I might post it on YC. He granted, and now, here it is: Inventio no. 1 in C major. It is I who plays on the mp3. The key I played it in was A major instead of the C in the original piece. You'll get the sheet music within a few days. The link to the mp3: http://koti.mbnet.fi/sakvaka/Inventio1.mp3
  4. I start by creating the chordal progressions and structure. Then I make a melody for the chords. The accompanying pattern depends on situation. Sometimes I begin with a choral that I edit into a natural sounding piece of music.
  5. BTW, I heard his violin concerto a few weeks ago, and I loved the piece, though it is not a very minimalistic one. Like many other composers', Glass's style also developed towards romanticism in his late career.
  6. Buxtehude's Klag-lied from BuxWV 76 is a very touching piece. Buxtehude composed it for his father's funeral. I am near to cry whenever I hear it's sad melody and the wonderful harmonic background. I have only listened to Emma Kirkby's and Lars Ulrik Mortensen's recording of the song, but it's just great.
  7. You are right, I've only heared few of his pieces and played also some (perhaps not his best ones), but I think I already know his style. If someone can recommend me a good Bart
  8. Symphony - Schubert's fourth Opera - I've only heard Orpheus in Underworld Piano etude - Alkan's first of the Trois
  9. Alkan and Buxtehude.
  10. Someone may disagree with me, but I think B
  11. Thank you for comments, 1) No, that wasn't a typo. It tries to act as an E major chord (dominant chord in the key of a minor). That was the best solution I could make up. Originally there was a g-sharp whole-note, but it sounded so dissonant that I ended up in this. I still prefer g-sharp instead of g, but that's just my opinion. 2) Those aren't false entries, but varied entries. I did try to make just a practice for 4-voice writing, not a strict fugue. I am afraid that :39 to 1 min sounds too simple and expected. Should I make that more complicated?
  12. I liked it, though I didn't get the impression of rain by listening. This piece makes a lovely mood and it's very restful. I would place the final chord an octave higher, and change some of the dynamic marks. Also this performance was perhaps too strict of tempo and dynamics, maybe a bit more rubato and dolce. Sakvaka
  13. Some of you might remember, that I composed a Happy birthday-motet for my friend (http://www.youngcomposers.com/forum/happy-birthday-motet-14331.html). I took out the melody, which I turned into a fugue for harpsichord (with four hands). Of course one can play the fugue with other instruments, such as guitars & bass, the organ and so on. The voices cross at bar 12, but that can be played (rather) imperceptibly. What do you think? Impressions, opinions, you are free to talk. The mp3: http://koti.mbnet.fi/sakvaka/Fugue.mp3 Fugue.pdf
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