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About Foxhull

  • Birthday 07/10/1990

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    Waynesboro, PA

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  1. Whew I haven't posted here in a while. I won't be able to help out, but I remember really wanting to do a couple operatic pieces. So once a libretto is up, and if it's alright with the writer, I'd like to do a little musical experimentation with some parts of it (all credit given where it is due of course). Just some standalone stuff. If I get anything up to where I like it before I leave for Brazil I'll put it up for comments. Good luck!
  2. I think you may have linked to the wrong file, it came up as the "End of the World" or something.
  3. I know, it sounds like a classified ad, but I'm working on a do wop style piece for an a capella men's choir, sort of in the style of Duke of Earl, and I need lyrics before I can get much farther. I can't pay other than mentioning you as the lyricist, unless I decide to publish it. Here is the mus file and midi for those who want to listen to the intro before deciding. Thanks in advance. vocal.MUS vocal.MID
  4. Being an indoor percussion ensemble performer myself, the only thing that I do not like is the fact that there is not more variation in the mallet sections. I think that variations each time through would fix that for me. Other than that, great job!
  5. I suggest we go ahead and make said topic. It would make things a lot easier.
  6. Yeah, I have problems sometimes, and then I stumbled across this: The Makeshift Musician: Don't Find Inspiration: Create It. EXTREMELY GOOD ADVICE(for me anyways). I just write a theme or two every day, and it seems to get everything flowing better. That's just me though.
  7. I know there are some people/composers who excel at writing lyrics, and some who don't(ie. me). What I'm proposing is a stickied lyrics request topic, where those who are looking to write lyrics and those who need lyrics can come together and collaborate. The composer suggests a topic/theme, and a lyricist who is interested would take them up. This could be potentially extremely useful for composers who need lyrics, and lyricists who need practice. That's my two cents, as I'm looking to do a choir piece some time in the future, but I currently have no skill at writing lyrics. Who's for a Lyrics Request topic?
  8. This does look interesting, I'm also looking to learn vocal writing. If I can find the time(once my grad. project stuff is done), I may participate. Until then, good luck! P.S. I personally think the plot idea rocks.
  9. Alright, I did a LOT of research on the style and form of marches, and I wasn't getting anything for a while. I ended up doing a jazz arrangement for the jazz combo in my school, and now that I finished that, I tried the rhythms and chords for a march again, and it is now flowing better. Here is the result. March Basics.mus
  10. Here it is, tell me what you think. SaS - Orch Revision 2.mus
  11. I'm posting this because I want to make sure I'm on the right track, but this is what I've gotten done in the past few weeks. SaS - Orch Revision 1.mus
  12. OK, here it is, there are a few changes from the notes, but other than that, I followed them. Tell me what ya think. SaS - Orch Rough Draft.mus
  13. Just to let you know, I have finished 104 measures, so I'm almost done.
  14. http://www.freewebs.com/foxhull/SaS%20%2D%20Orch.mus That is what I got done in class today, it will updated more tomorrow.
  15. Well, the good thing is I now have a car, my driver's license, and a job.
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