O man this aggressive song is getting me so pumped, I just wanna kick some dudes in the face or drive real fast in my ute. Though it badly needs some better mixin' like others have said. My first FL songs all went into the red too, though they weren't as good as this one, it just seems weird that for such a neat song you've overlooked something like that.
O snap this elektro arabian is pretty much the same deal as the first only it reminds me of the desert levels in arcade games. The kind where you make funny faces while bobbing your head and kicking the donkey belonging to the bad dudes. O snap there was a transition that was pretty terrible but the individual parts were good, just the transition sucked.
this Nuit song is not as awesome and also I'm not seeing a whole lot of variety as I go by, mix some stuff up like use some notes you don't usually use, perhaps D, D is a good note dude. also that was meant in regards to all your music not just this track, you need to break out of your style a bit more and get a bit loosey goosey, although not necessary it is good to do different things every now and again and experiment with your music.
Also this brass isn't so hot, you might want to look into getting an orchestral plugin like edirol orchestra if you're going to be doing alot of brass in the future. There is also a bit too much reverb on your plucking synth there.
Overall you have much talent, just watch your levels, learn to compress stuff, and watch out that you don't fall into a huge gaping hole of similarity.
O btw the second half of that nuit song kicks hell of donkey though the very last little plucked arpeggio could have gone on for a bit longer, perhaps an entire quiet little section of only plucking