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About Sonoman

  • Birthday 03/15/1979

Contact Methods

  • MSN

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  • Location
    Gent, Belgium
  • Occupation
    Management trainee at an energy company

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Explorer (4/15)

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  1. Hi there, I haven't been back in the forum in a looooong time. Among others because I recently got married and had a baby :), so let's say there wasn't much time left to keep composing stuff! However I managed to finish this short guitar piece, inspired a bit on the barroque and romantic periods. The acoustics of the place where I made the recording wasn't perfect and I made a couple of mistakes here and there, but in general I think I'm ok with the sound of the song. Here goes the link: Comments and feedback very much welcome and appreciated of course. Cheers S
  2. Howdy fellows, I composed this one not long ago. Initially my idea was to use a couple of violines and 3 guitars, but due to people and studio constraints I ended up recording the theme with one guitar, one violin, and added some extra effect with a synth. Sonoman - YouLicense - The Online Music Licensing Marketplace (look for the song called 'the lost chanf of the midnight shadows' in the player) Comments and feedback are welcome of course! Cheers sonoman
  3. Hey man, Thanks for the comment! I really didn't think about having an orchestra....but now that you say it .... :dry:. Cheers Luis
  4. I think you've heard more than enough comments! I can't really recognize if it's a 2/4 , 4/4 or something else :s. Besides the fact that you have to work a bit more on the rythm (I wouldn't say monotone, but a bit too repetitive..you can always 'spice' up the theme with some slight variation), I would suggest you to kind of define the "real" rythm...You could add some extra "tone" by perhaps adding a second 'guitar' somewere in the half of the song... Cheers Luis
  5. I composed this one thinking it would be a nice theme for some kind of thriller/scary movie or something like that. For the moment I have a one guitar version only, available at .The idea is to compliment the guitar with some percussions, and towards the end (as from minute 2 on the video) end the song in a sort of total chaos. Comments and suggestions are very much welcome of course!!! Grtz Luis
  6. Well, this instrumental theme doesn't seem to fit in the other folders, so I've decided to place it here :D. About the song: listen to it and you will understand perfectly the tittle. Composed it in 2005, but just recorded it last year. I use an acoustic guitar, acompanied in the back by an electric guitar to give the effect I was looking for when the tune came to my mind. The link is http:www.myspace.com/sonomanbelgium. Once in the player, choose the song 'about strings, echoes & silence' I'm open to critics and suggestions...hoep you like what you hear! Sonoman PS: I also have a one guitar version on youtube, you can check out
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