Hey, thanks for replying, i appreciate it.
To answer your first question, its kind of difficult to explain what i've told my composer, i've given as much information as i could, mainly things like the tempo, the mood, the 'feel' i want out of the song...if that's even describable. I've also given him the tracks i listen to for a particular scene that i like to listen with the sequence, so that he'll get an idea of how the track should sound. I've given him a bunch of other information, but its sort of hard to explain that, its just things i thought he should know about that particular scene he's making the track for.
To answer your second question, i don't have any images yet. Tricky thing about working with my music composer is that, because i already knew him, i got him on the project right from the beginning, without even shooting a single frame yet. So he's writing the music, simply by the descriptions i've given him. However, this is about to change very soon, by the end of november, i should have the entire movie storyboarded in a 3d animatic and also if with any luck, i'll have the film shot as well. So he'll have that to look at while working on the film.
So yah, that's what's going on between me and the music composer so far.