My fav is Sinfonia Concertante in E flat for Violin and viola by Mozart.Every movement a stunner.The rest I cant decide.It would be intresting to know what you think about this lot...
These ARE NOT in rank order,I simply cant decide between this lot.
1.Mozart,Piano concerto 23 (especially the Adagio)
2.Shostakovich symphonys 4 and 7.
3.Mozart symphonys 40 and 41.
4.Beethoven Violin Concerto
5.Beethoven Piano concerto 5
6.Rachmaninov Piano concerto 2
7.Haydn Emperor String Quartet
8.Beethoven Moonlight Sonata (especialy the Presto Agitato)
9.Mozart Piano Sonata in C and sonata in A minor.
10.Saint Saens Symphony No. 3 Organ
11.Brahms Violin Concerto
12.Elgar Cello Concerto
13.Mozart Violin Concerto no. 4
14.Vivaldi Lute concerto in D
Phew!those are only the ones that instantly spring to mind.They are all very common,although most people would of gone for Rachmaninov concerto no. 3 rather than 2.Speaking of spring, I forgot to add the four seasons.........