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About oboeducky

  • Birthday 09/30/1992

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm a musician/composer. that whole shy thing was kinda a lie :p
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Student, freelance oboist for events, on-demand-free-of-charge local composer
  • Interests
    reading, composing, talking, sleeping, making reeds, skating

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  1. scraggy, did I miss this entire thread? AM I TOO LATE?!?!?!? :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[ :[
  2. Thanks for all the advice. I think I will probably just go to the church and check out the organ. Experiment with sounds and stuff. :]
  3. Heylo. I'm transcribing the Adagio from Bach's Easter Oratorio to organ from the string part. I was wondering if I need to specify anything about the stops for something like this, or if I should just let my organist handle it. Thanks. :]
  4. I play the oboe (duh), and would LOVVVEEEEE to do this. :]
  6. they all suck. Whole tone scales, FTW
  7. I'm glad this thread is prospering! :D
  8. D minor is better. :whistling: You're such an oboe-geek. Why don't you play it?
  9. THEY DON'T EXIST ahahahaha. wrong forum, btw
  10. I'm biased towards the Chopin. it's so peppy :D
  11. Here's a little article on LOL WUT before we begin: LOL WUT - Encyclopedia Dramatica Now it's up to you to suggest the most bizarre, random, stupid, and/or unexpected moment in music. Have fun :]
  12. Here are my favorites: Birds and Butterflies of Paradise Fantasia for Theremin, Oboe, String Quartet, and Piano Oboe Concerto - 3rd Movement Viola Concerto - Premiere movement Trio for Flute, Cello, and Piano Symphony No. 4 The Greek Passion What I notice most about Martinů more-so than many other composers is his original style that is detectable in ALL of his public works. It's absolutely fascinating.
  13. I think you may be more successful if you score this piece without flutes, except for the solo. A thinner orchestration if possible is usually more clean-sounding, and it might be problematic for you to balance the two flutes with the soloist. Also, the solo staff should go right above the strings.
  14. 1. What do you like? It's wide. 2. What don't you like? It's brown. 3. Would you visit more often if the design was more appealing? No. 4. Would a pleasant design affect your posting habits? No. 5. Did you think Young Composers was a bad site at first glance, as a first time visitor? No.
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