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About alchemynut

  • Birthday 10/23/1992

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  1. Here's an ideal for a main theme for a nocturne I plan to write. it really new so there is no bass line or nothing.
  2. ok I was composing my 3rd symphony I got to the 3rd Mvt, and then suddenly there was only one measure per page,I mean it I had whole notes on one measure and it still only one measure per page. That made me do a slow section to make it longer, (witch came out as a nice slow waltz:thumbsup:) But I need help on the one measure per page problem!!! Thanks for any help!!!
  3. Here I did it for you.
  4. what's left for me to say?
  5. Same here :thumbsup:
  6. This a song a finished just a while ago. anyways i need help because the bass line is real reptitve. HELP! besides that enjoy :).
  7. another start of a piece again i was thinking of a name
  8. This is a start of a piece your working on. tell me what you think. i'm also thinking of a name.
  9. ok post one when you can.
  10. could we have MIDI?
  11. i say Prestissimo for the first movement allego for the 2nd mvt. and the 3 i haven't listen to yet
  12. the is a great piece by Yann Tiersen check it out on youtube
  13. Great job!
  14. Nice little piece...and... Yes I do:
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