I do love the old fashioned stuff. Mozart's Requiem in D is a favorite, especially the Dies Irae, Sanctus, and Confutaias, as well as Pachabell's Canon, and Beethoven's Moonlight Sonota. And I still love composing such songs, which is why I am composing a Requiem Mass. Of course it will not compare to Mozart's as even the greatest composer's Requiems seem nothing to Mozart's.
However we must realize that Mozart composed his music for his time and place. That was his living. He didn't always get to compose what he wanted. He had to compose many times because he was told to. "Mozart, I want you to compose me and opera," he might be told. There is nothing wrong with composing in the classical style, or the baroque for that matter today.
However, composers, though they do their own works, must compose for a living, whether it is for a broadway show or a video game. If composing for a video game is what it takes for a musician to make a living so be it. He must make money. I see video game compositions as just the composers job. It may or may not be his best work but he has to do it. I believe that there is therefore, nothing wrong with video game music composition--a video game composer could write great classical music if he wanted to. And I have heard video game music that is very decent. If you have ever played Rome: Total War, the music is superb. Good choral and orchestra music that puts on in battle mode.