Hello, I'm new here.
First off, these might sound unfinished. Here is a list of excuses why :D :
1. I don't have a midi keyboard and I only have 256 MB RAM. Working with music is HORRIBLE. This is actually a good excuse.
2. I'm really lazy. Really lazy.
3. I guess, admittedly, I'm not particularly creative.
Ok, enough of the excuses...
Here is a couple of songs I've made:
[EDIT: Threw in another one.] This is probably a more recent song. It was supposed to give the feel of a deserted amusement park/evil clowns... Silly, yes? This one is in midi format. Pretty boring throughout, kind of intended. I made this song after playing some FF9 for some reason. Not really a full song, though. I don't really know what I intended with this one. I couldn't get really this right, but it's supposed to sound battleish anyhow. The cello might be a bit low. Threw this in just for fun. Really short one.
Listen to one or two (or more), comment. Be as rude as you have to. I don't mind. :)