It's written for a small symphonic orchestra: piccolo, flute, oboe, clarinet in Eb, clarinet in Bb, bass clarinet, bassoon, horn in F, trumpet, trombone, tuba, timpani, general percussion, string section.
This is my first foray into true classicism. It's based loosely off sonata-allegro form...i did the best i could without sacrificing my own freedom. I did sorta a introduction, then an exposition/development of three themes, then straight into the recapitulation of those themes in different keys, then i wrapped it up into a coda. i didn't follow any of the rules for key modulation that are given in sonata-allegro form, i just modulated to whatever felt right ;). there IS somewhat of a pattern to my key modulations.
This took me three weeks to complete, off and on work, and is sequenced using FL Studio and GPO (i don't have enough RAM to run GPO live, and it takes too long to get the dynamics right in sibelius).
finally, the file is pretty big, it's 7:10 and 10 megs, so be patient. Any critiscism/reviews are welcome and desired :]