:)Hello Everyone! This is my first posting:toothygrin:- and my best work to date. I thought I'd start out with a bang.
My 'Suite' began as an untitled work for wind ensemble. As the first movement- Bedouin March- began to unfold, it sounded more and more exotic. It reminds me of dusty winds and rolling sand dunes, rocky ridges littered with scraggly vegetation. As soon as I knew I wanted to paint a picture of the Middle East, I got going. This is, essentially, a depiction of the Middle-Eastern idea as far as my uneducated guess will go.
Although it took me only a few hours to initially 'place the notes down', I spent a three years of 'pecking' it to death, editing, reediting, revising, rerevising, and cutting, pasting, and editing some more.
I conducted a bit of research into the music of the Middle East while writing these. Recurring themes in each website were an evenly tempered scale, with close intervals, favoring western equivalent seconds and fifths, with very harsh chords and tones in general. Also, rhythmic dissonance, or excessive counterpoint, was a key element to the form and structure. Often, one lead voice would dominate, sometimes improvising, while two or three others would support with differing rhythms 'underneath'.
Enough banter. Now, the three tunes are Bedouin March, Arabian Twilight, and Rub' al Khali. They were originally written for wind ensemble, but I'm trying to make it adaptable for concert band and marching band.
Bedouin March.MUS
Bedouin March.MID
Arabian Twilight ballad.MUS
Arabian Twilight ballad.MID
Rub al'Khali- the Sea of Flames.MUS
Rub al'Khali- the Sea of Flames.MID