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About GoldenPianist

  • Birthday 10/31/1988

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  • Biography
    playing piano has become a great hobbie, and classical guitar.
  • Location
    Panorama City, California
  • Occupation
    unemployed =[
  • Interests
    Playing Piano and Classical guitar

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Enthusiast (6/15)

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  • Eight Years in
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  1. Hello fellow composers. I was wondering if anyone know or has any idea how to start composing Salsa music. To me it seems that the percussion parts are the most difficult, but so is the bass and guitar marimba etc. ok everything lol is there like a chord structure of some sort? or what? im stumped. please give me answers.
  2. so super smash bros brawl is an upcoming game for the Nintendo Wii. and if your a gamer, like since nintendo days, these tunes should be memorable. =) there are a lot of composers working on this game. and yeah the music is cool. haha Smash Bros. DOJO!!
  3. forgive me for the song title, i couldnt think of anything else that was on my mind. lol. well this is some song i recorded on garage band, i revolved around c minor key. *the guitar solo is just terrible haha. at 37 seconds everything is just like what the f***! haha. well enjoy Castlevania kind of sound. :toothygrin: *the song is on my myspace profile, so if you dont have myspace, then idk if it will let you get in there. MySpace.com - Lucas - 19 - Male - City of Panorama, California - www.myspace.com/rojo123
  4. I heard this piece performed by a college in my piano class. It's a great Toccata. It has alot of movement (to me at least) and now its my mission to learn this song. =)
  5. There is a song called "Sadness" from the Original Soundtrack of Phantasy Star Universe (Video Game) ill e-mail you the mp3 if you give it.
  6. me being a fan of Castlevania; (i know, this isnt from castlevania series) but it sounds like it would fit perfect in a "library" setting in a video game. i evny this piece i wish i can just play something like this out of nowhere late at night, it would be so beautiful. what key is this in?
  7. very good, it looks like it would fit in an RPG game.
  8. i love this piece, i think its amazing, like playing a Megaman game =) i'd like to know though, how do you know when to but dotted eightnotes and all those complex notes(for me) do you use a metranome or something? idk im just wondering.
  9. OMG i want to learn from you, this piece was just fantastic, it reminded me of Megaman =D teach me the ways and an MP3 version would be nice.
  10. so what attendend orchestras to see how instruments sound or what? how do you learn their ranges and stuff?
  11. is there a right or wrong answer? like wether you write the peice in piano first then add the instruments or all at once?
  12. If i May im going to open this MIDI on sibelius and study the composition, no plagarism will be done. i want to see how the Bass is done i dont understand the bass in jazz how it goes up and down rythmiticaly :thumbsup:
  13. do they see that as a waste of money and time?
  14. well my name is lucas, and im a sophomore at a Community College. and i just recently started taking music classes and Genereal Ed to transfer to Cal State Northridge, but one thing i would recommend is the music theacher career, but the one that im planning on doing because it seems really interesting is the Music Therapy, Composition is my main goal and Therapy is my second goal. i just started to play piano like one year ago, and i think i get it pretty good just need some practice :happy:
  15. alright, ill keep in mind the "do not get discoraged" cuz i tend to get discouraged... when i tryied to learn a hymn for my Church... Hymns are pretty difficult because of the expanded chords and inversions.
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